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"Master, master!", a small monster wearing a crocodile costume ran towards the lady. "There something you must see!", his small voice shouted, pointing directly towards the door. The woman with a clover like mark on her face, due to the two lines, dropped everything and followed the small creature. "Alright Ochoa, lead the way", waiting for her pupil to walk in the front. "Yes ma'am!", Ochoa sped walk to the entrance of the clinic, and opened the door.

There was a small child, lying there, they looked extremely pale. Bleeding out ounces and ounces of blood, it would be surprising if the child was still alive. The lady's eyes widened with shock, acting quickly, she picked up the small child and quickly reenter the clinic with her pupil following behind. "Ochoa, bring me my wand, quickly", she sternly spoke, her eyes filled with seriousness. This child was still breathing, however it was very faint. The woman didn't seem to want to give up on this child, her pupil had returned with a wand in hand and gave it to his teacher.

"Is they going to be okay?", the crocodile wearing pupil asked, looking at the small child with worry. "Hold on let me focus", the lady responded, and began to chant a magic spell. As soon as the spell was cast, the small child began to breathe normally again and looked less pale in the face. "They are definitely going to be fine, they just need to rest for a couple of days", the lady dusted off her hands, she finally had a better look of the child's face. Her eyes had widened once more, seeing exactly three dark lines on the child's face, two on one side of their face and another one on the opposite side.

"Are those... natural?", The lady reached out towards the child face with concern. She traced along the lines, lightly rubbing it. But the lines didn't budge.

"They're real alright..", She muttered under her breath, having a thinking expression on her face.

The child continued to sleep peacefully on the medical bed they were transferred to. Breathing softly as they snuggled into the mattress.
Laziest Magic User
It has been 7 days since the child was picked up from the door step of the clinic, yet the woman hasn't found the child's parents. "Ugh... DAMN IT!", The lady smashed the table into two pieces out of frustration. There was no way this child has no parents, or relatives. She had tried every possible methods of getting the child back to their parents. Because of this problem, the woman looked as if she hadn't slept in days.

The child was already awake from their small coma, and sat there quietly looking out of the window. They were oddly quiet for their age, the woman peeked out from the door. "You know what", the two lined woman walked up to the child's bed. "I've decided that you can live with me", she explained, knowing that at this point the child would be practically homeless. "Ok.", the child responded quietly, their voice was soft, you could barely hear them.
Laziest Magic User
A/N: yeah so this is the actual 00.1

The Laziest Magic User's Secret
- The child had awoken on day three, but was forced to stay in bed by the woman.
- the child name is Y/N L/N(You)
- The lady name was Meliadoul herself!
- Ochoa was the one who kept little Y/N company.

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