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Ever since that incident, the (h/c) child was more careful when it comes to visiting the park nearby. They didn't want to encounter a similar event like two days ago. To ensure that, Y/N would go to the park early in the morning, thinking that Lance and Anna wouldn't be there. That meant Meliadoul's lessons would be taught in the afternoon, which she surprisingly agreed to.

Sorry Anna, but your brother is scary.. They apologized internally for the light blue haired girl.

The morning breeze was actually quite nice when walking down the path to the park. Y/N always finds themselves looking at the animals that would follow them to the park. But the (h/c) child didn't mind, because all of the animals were treating them with much care. At one point a large white tiger actually came up to them, allowing Y/N to hop on him for a ride, because their feet started to hurt.

Safe to say that they had friends alright, very fluffy friends. However this time the animals had decided to leave the (h/c) child's side early today, the young child was slightly confused. Nevertheless, Y/N continued on their journey to the park. Humming a random tune out of the blue. Still their peace was interrupted, by some hooligans. "What a weak kid! Where's your mommy?", uh oh It was yet another situation Y/N might have to deal with.

The child looked into the alley way, seeing about two adults surrounding a boy their age. The mostly dark with a yellow streak haired boy looked on the verge of tears.

They pursed their lips, it was almost a gut feeling, a need to help out that boy. Y/N didn't know why, but they felt a little pity for him. The (h/c) child walked up to the situation, tapping on one of the men on the back. Before the man could turn around, Y/N had punched him directly in the face, sending him flying into the wall. "Oops..", looking at their fist, there was smoke coming out of their hand. The freckle boy was shocked, standing there as the event played out in front of him.

The second man knew better, and picked up his friend to run out of there. "Well I guess that's dealt with", Y/N struggled it off, starting to go back to their usual route. "Eh- Wait!", the freckled boy reached out for their arm to grab their attention. The (h/c) child turned around, tilting their head in confusion. "You need something?", showing that the boy had their awareness.

"Well- uh.. I'm kind of lost, and I was waiting for my brother..-" before he could continue, Y/N grabbed his hand. Now they were both walking to the park together. "Wait- where are we going?", the freckled boy asked, looking at the kid in front of him. "The park, maybe we can find your brother there", replying with a soft voice, seeing the park in the distance.

The Laziest Magic User

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Y/N", the child was happy that they were gaining another friend. Maybe his brother wouldn't be as scary.. "oh right.. my name is Finn, Finn Ames", the freckled boy sat next to the (h/c) child, leaning against a tree.

"Finn, there you are", A dual colored haired boy came up to the both of you, he had a stern face, but it definitely wasn't scary. "Big brother", Finn acknowledged that the male was here, he stood up and walked towards the older boy.

"Thank goodness, I thought I lost you..", the boy commented, worried for Finn, his little brother. "Well, I kind of got in trouble with adults from the streets, but! This kind person helped me out, and brought me here!", Finn summed up what had happened earlier, Y/N just waved and smiled at the older boy. He looked down at them, before walking closer to the (h/c) child. The dual colored haired boy crouched down to meet the child eyes.

"Thank you, for taking care of my brother while I was gone", the older male showed his gratitude, lowering his head. "Thanks for not being a weirdo", Y/N random spewed out, still looking at the two lined boy, smiling happily. The older male looked at them, dumbfounded.

The Laziest Magic User

A/N: Why do I feel like all my works are rushed?? ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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