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"Here's your food Y/N", Ochoa walked carefully into their room. The small child was sitting at the desk, doing the homework Meliadoul had assigned them. "Thank you, Ochoa", they gave him a small smile, and grabbed the tray off of his hands. The pupil walked away happily, being able to please the young child. Y/N was about to dig into their food, before turning their attention back towards the leaving friend.

"Hey, Ochoa?", they called him out just before he left the room. "Yes, Y/N?", replying quickly to the young child.

"Do you think Lady Amy would let me go outside?", the child avoided eye contact with Ochoa, knowing the exact answer he gives. The crocodile wearing pupil looks down on the ground then towards the (h/c) child. "I-" "You don't know", the child answered for him, their eyes flickered with disappointment. "I'm sorry for asking, you can go now", Y/N gestures Ochoa to leave the room. Before he left, he looked back towards the child, focusing on eating the food.

He felt sadness for the first time, after all they were just a child and have no one to play with except him. With a determined look, Ochoa marched down to his master's office to try and convince her to let Y/N out every once in a while. Yet he also dreads the stern terrifying look of his master, knowing how she is when she's angry. Either way, Ochoa didn't want to disappoint the small child anymore, having already reached Meliadoul's office, he knocked on the door.

A muffled, "Come in", came from the door. This indicates that Ochoa could enter the room, which he did. With a confident strut, he marched into the office, ready to convince his master. "Uh.. Master?", Ochoa started, making sure that Meliadoul was listening.

"Yes, Ochoa?", Meliadoul responded, she seemed to be working on something as she listened to what her pupil had to say. "Well, I was wondering...", before he could continue his sentence, he was cut off. "Sure", he was shocked by his master's words. She didn't even know what he was going to ask, but it seemed like she had an idea of what it was. Meliadoul knew she had kept Y/N hidden for a while, and never let them outside.

But, she felt as if Y/N was at that certain age of responsibility to be careful about their surroundings. "However, I do need to talk to Y/N about it, so do you mind calling them in?", she added to her word, Meliadoul needed to give them a certain rule when it comes to going outside. Ochoa grinned, it was a mission success for the small pupil, as he went running down the corridor to Y/N's room.

The Laziest Magic User

"You're letting me go outside?!", the young child eyes brightened, to say the least, they were excited. The medic smiled at the young child's expression. "Now hold on, I have to set a few rules before I allow you to go", Meliadoul told Y/N sternly, she wanted them to take this seriously.

"Ok!", the (h/c) child returned the serious look with their own. She smiled at this, as she continued. "You're going to have to hide your other two mark, and be sure to return home before the sun sets", the medic spoke, holding out a container of water-proof face paint. The face paint was the same color as their skin, making it easier to hide two lines on Y/N's face. "You'll be using this to hide at least two lines", Meliadoul handed the container to the child. They nodded their head and rushed to their room to put on the paint.

Y/N didn't want to waste any minute.

The Laziest Magic User

A/N: Sorry for not posting y'all, but I had exams to pass, and I kinda ate. Meeting ***** and **** next chapter

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