Chapter 4: The New World, Start Now

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Everyone was shocked by what Zack had just done; they had never seen an inhuman movement like that before.

"Clementine, are you sure you never saw that before?" Lee begins to ask.

Clem shook her head in denial.

Zack swung his sword quickly to remove the blood and wiped it with his arm sleeve.

The old man, now holding the shotgun, was stunned but quickly went to the tractor and removed it from Shawn by moving it backwards.

"Son! Are alright there, my boy?!" Hershel asks, worried, while checking his son to see if anything is wrong.

"D-Dad, I'm fine, he safe my life..." Shawn said as he looked at Zack, who was walking toward them.

Zack stopped walking at the son and father, as he said. "Take this advice; you two need to be aware of your surroundings; this is no longer the world you know and love. Everything wanted you to die or now eat you."

Zack ends his word as he walks away to Clem.

"Wait, young man!" Hershel yells as Zack turns.

"Thank you... For saving me..." Shawn said with gratitude.

Zack looked at Shawn for a couple of seconds before he scoffed and walked away with Clem beside him.

"Damn, that kid surely will be our powerhouse one day," Kenny said while holding her son.

"He surely is..." Lee replied as he turned toward the older father and son duo. "Are you two going to be fine?"

Shawn nodded, "Yes, I think we will. Thank You..."

"Never come back..." Hershel said while glaring at the other.

"Dad!... Sorry guys..." Shawn knew his father was protective, yet he had no words to say anything else.

Kenny didn't say a word to them as he left with his family, and Lee followed after.


Thanks to Kenny's truck, Zack and the others had already arrived at Macon.

"Looks like we have to end our wheels journey here until we find some more gas..." Kenny said while his vehicle began to stop. 

Soon, everyone gets out of the truck, and Zack warns them. "Don't yell, stay low, and Run if you can't fight."

"Are you sure you are not an adult kid?" Kenny asks while smirking a bit.

Zack ignores the moustache, man.

Kenny looks at his surroundings, and he finds a 'Man' who looks like he is repairing a truck. He ignored what Zack just said, "Hey, man! We need help with our truck running out of gas. What the." 

The man he was called was indeed an undead, as one by one came out from the hiding.

"Zack." Clem gets behind Zack's back in fear.

"I fucking told him not..." Zack rubs his forehead as he wonders, 'How the fuck people can be this stupid!'

Second later, Katja yelled when one of the Undead grabbed Duck.

Zack quickly grabbed his gun and shot it. "Grab Duck, get anywhere you think safe! Lee, take care, Clem, I will distract them!"

Lee nodded as he saw Zack dash toward the Walker as he started to call it.

Walker? or Zombies? (Walking Dead Game x Strong OC)Where stories live. Discover now