Chapter ~ 4

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After working for sometime  Abhimanyu decide to heat the food and feed to Roohanika but when he was heating the food suddenly he feels someone hit him on back but it didn't hurt him even a little bit. When he turn and found his Rooh standing there scared .

Abhimanyu: What happened Rooh . Why are you scared??

Roohanika: I...I wake up in a different surrounding and come out and think that you are someone else. I am sorry. Is it hurting ?

Roohanika said in one breath and hold his bicep to check for any injury but Abhimanyu hold her shoulder and said

Abhimanyu: Yes , I am fine . And No one can hurt you until I am alive.

Roohanika: What are you doing ??
And when will you drop me at my house .

Abhimanyu:  There is some clothes in sofa in the same room , you get fresh and come until I am heat the food . ok and then , we will talk.

Roohanika : Ok .

After Abhimanyu set the table and at the same time Roohanika also come after that they eat in silent . After having their dinner Abhimanyu took her to living room and settled on sofa beside each other.

Abhimanyu: You remember, what happened in your house.

Roohanika looks at her lap and nod at him.

Abhimanyu: So , will you marry me ?

Abhimanyu know that he need her like oxygen to live and he will make her his either by hook or crook. But he still asks about what she thinks about him .

Roohanika: I don't know you and why want marry a girl like me . I am criminal and a killer.

Abhimanyu got angry hearing her and hold her from her arms and pull her to him and said

Abhimanyu: Never ever said anything bad about yourself. Understand??

Roohanika nod at him getting scared by his anger and Abhimanyu took a deep breath to calm him down and cupped her face lovingly and said

Abhimanyu: I want to marry you and make you mine queen the moment I met you . I don't care about people's thinking and assumptions because I know my Rooh can't hurt anyone in her life hmm. And If you don't  sure about your decision. So , just give a chance I will make fall har for me and I will you the happiest in the world .

Roohanika : But Now , where I will live overnight ?

Roohanika said with a small pout looking down that Abhimanyu just want to kiss her hard and passionately and shake his head to remove those thoughts from his mind and said

Abhimanyu : From now , you will live with my maternal family . Ok and if you got any problem you will tell me .

Roohanika : But I don't know anyone there .

Abhimanyu : They will love you , sweetheart don't worry .

Roohanika cheeks suddenly got slightly red hearing his endearment for her and just nod at him .

Roohanika: Ohh yeah !! I remember why don't you told me in the party that you are the king .

Abhimanyu :  You didn't asked me , so .

Roohanika : Ok , let it be . Now let's go it's getting late .

Abhimanyu also got agree because he want to spend sometime with her there also to made her comfortable. After 2 hours drive they finally reach the Thakur's Haveli and got inside and goes to main hall where everyone was sitting there . When Shilpa looks at him and started squealing like a child and took him in a bear hug and like this everyone meet him but our Roohanika was standing at the entrance and Mayank looks at her and shout suddenly

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