Chapter ~ 13

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After sometime when she feel Abhimanyu relaxed so she said

Roohanika: Maan , let's go inside. You will catch cold .

Abhimanyu just hummed and pick her in bridal style and laid on bed and put his head on her chest and wrapped his arm around her waist and put her hands in his hair and Roohanika understanding his actions started caressing his hairs . After sometime she asked

Roohanika: Maan , do you want to share anything??

Abhimanyu: promise me you will never leave me , I don't have anyone other than you . You are my everything Rooh .

Roohanika: I will always with you  and you are all I have then how can I even leave you .

Abhimanyu looks at her face and kissed her forehead and said

Abhimanyu: I promise I will tell you everything but not now . Sleep now .

After that they both slept in each other arms . Next morning Roohanika woke up and found herself alone in bed and she knows his husband has gone to gym and started getting ready.

After getting ready she goes to kitchen downstairs and found her mother in law and wish her morning and smile at her and abhishree also bless her and hug her . After that they both started making breakfast for everyone and after sometime everyone settled on dinning table and Abhimanyu also came and sat on his chair and Roohanika served him what Roohanika made for him herself  and then abhishree started serving everyone . Roohanika also sat beside him and started eating and there is a pin drop silence and after breakfast Everyone leave for their respective works and Roohanika leave with Abhimanyu to bid him byee outside the palace .

Abhimanyu hugged her and said

Abhimanyu: take care and call me if anything happens and I will be back in evening hmm.

Roohanika nodded and Abhimanyu kissed her cheek and sat in the car left . Roohanika looks around to see if anyone saw but everyone doing there work and all the guards had their head down . She just turn to go inside when a message pop in her phone and she saw Abhimanyu message her

Don't worry no one saw me kissing you so you don't have to look like a tomato and check everywhere 🌝


There is nothing like that, ok .😒

Whatever helps you to sleep at night jaan 😏

Reading his message she becomes a tomato and smile and run inside and found ladies in the living room talking with Ishika and Reyansh.

Roohanika: ansh , you are not going to college??

Reyansh: No, bhabhi ma today is a holiday .

Roohanika: oh , okay .

Reyansh: Dadi , where is maa sa ??

Dadi: she has gone to her party like always!!

Reyansh nodded and dadu and Reyansh and Ishika started talking with each other and also with her but no one is talking to her mother in law and she also just sitting there and listening them .

Roohanika saw her mother in law going to kitchen and follow her and saw her making lunch . Roohanika also started to help her but abhishree stopped her

Abhishree: Rani sa , you don't have to make lunch . Hukum eat in his office.

Roohanika: I told you to call me Roohi , and I like to make food for my family and I will also send lunch in office for everyone.

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