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i miss you so much. i miss seeing your face every day and hearing your laugh from down the hall. i'd say that id do anything to go back to that time, but people grow apart for a reason. i hope everyday you'll text me and tell me you need me and that you can't keep pretending you're okay without me, the same that i feel. but now i'm sitting here staring at a blank slate of messages because i deleted our chats. i kept looking back and remembering your smile and laugh and hating myself for ever letting you go. i breathe and yearn for you, and i hope one day ill have the confidence to say hello. to say anything to you again. just to see that smile and hear that laugh. i know we don't talk because it was too difficult, and i wish so badly i could say ive grown when it comes to you, but my heart will forever be 13 years old pining after you and hoping for a sliver of attention. my first legal drink is a month away and i want it to be with you. i will never not love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2024 ⏰

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