Chapter One

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✨Law's POV✨
Well it's been a pretty long and boring day. I had so much work to do and I'm exhausted to day the least.
"CAPTAIN." Bepo screams from outside my door.
"What?!" I say annoyed. I don't get an answer so I get up from my office chair and start heading to the door. Just as soon as I open the door I see everyone freaking out.
"What, what happened?" My voice echoed. And everyone stops and looks towards me.
"There is a girl floating in the water. She looks dead!" Penguin said running to the edge of the ship.
"WHAT!" I say as I start to freak out slightly as I run to the edge where Penguin is. I look out in the direction towards the cliffs of the island. In fact there is a girl. And she looks like she's been through hell and back.
"Room." I shout as she appears in my arms.
I shout for the crew to get the surgery room ready. After a little while I run her to the surgery room and softly place her on the operating table. I start to take off her clothes and start to examine all her wounds .
"Shit, what happened to you?" I mumble as I start to operate on her.
✨Time Skip✨
✨Law's POV✨
After 5 hours I am finally done. I'm sure after some rest she will make a full recovery. 'After she wakes up I need to know what happened to her she was beaten severely. How is she alive. And why was she in the sea.' All these thought and questions keep swarming my brain.
✨2 Weeks Later✨
✨ Delaynie's POV✨
I woke up in a hospital like bed. 'Am I in the hospital.' I thought as I start to pull all the wires that are on me off. Weird. I start to get up and I look down at my clothes. 'Wtf, where are my clothes. Why am in a hospital gown.'I think. "Well I guess I gotta find them." I say as I start to tear apart the room looking for my clothes. I finally find them in a bag on the floor. I quickly change into them and I start to use my magic  to see how many people are here. My eyes and hands glow black as I start to levitate off the ground I count 22 people including myself. I soon start to hear someone coming towards the door to my room.
"Hold on Bepo-ya. I have to check up on her. I have to make sure she's ok." They say as they start to come closer. I hide behind the door as it slowly starts to open. I see a tall man with black hair and a big katana on his back. He states looking around the room for what I presume me. I hold up my hand as it states to glow black again as I start to flicker the lights slightly before I shut them off completely. I see the man get his katana out before I blink behind him .
" Sleep." I say softly into his ear as he starts to fall backwards before I use my telekinesis to catch him before he hits the ground. I place him softly on the bed I was in before. I look around and see his katana on the floor. I smirk a little before picking it up and leaving the room,closing the door softly behind me.
✨Law's POV✨
After dinner I go to check on the girl. Once I get to her room I see that no one is in there. The girl is gone. I start to look around as the lights begin to flicker until they completely turn off. I start to get my katana out as I get prepared for anything to happen.
"Sleep." A soft yet raspy voice says in my ear. Just as I'm about to turn around I start to fall into the darkness as my legs start to give out.
✨Delaynie's POV✨
I start to make my way through the long hallway before I go up some stairs. Before I know it I'm on a deck. 'What the hell. I thought I was in a hospital. I'm on a ship.' I think as I start to look around. I look up and see a Jolly Roger.
'Not just a ship. A pirate ship.' I think as I smirk a little. 'Oh this is gonna be fun.' As I continue looking around, I start to hear people yelling and screaming. I turn towards the stairs I came up and see 10 men and a polar bear in a jumpsuit running towards me. 'A polar bear in a jumpsuit? And I thought I seen it all.' I think as I giggle softly at my thoughts. 
"Hey you what the hell did you do to our Captain?!" One screamed as they all looked at me. I look all of them over. I can feel their strength. I can read their thoughts. 'They're strong but not strong enough. And I guess that guy that I put under a sleeping spell is their Captain. Well he's not very fast.' I think as I stand there looking at them with a smirk.
"So that was your Captain. Huh. He was very easy to beat. I even took his sword. Very pretty blade. I can feel the power it has." I say showing them the sword. They all gasp as they look at it. Some start whispering amongst themselves.
"Did she really beat Law?... No way that's not possible, he's the Captain."
"I love the trust and loyalty you have for your Captain. But indeed I did beat him. He's not dead but who knows maybe he will be once I'm done killing all of you." I say grinning. They all start to get ready to fight. 'Stupid pirates think they can beat me. What a joke. Maybe a scratch or bruise but that's it.' I think as I start to prepare myself for the fight.
"Stand down!" Someone yells. Everyone looks behind them and their eyes widen.
"Captain." They all shout.

This is the outfit:

This is the outfit:

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