Chapter Three

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"Who changed my clothes?!You obviously did surgery. But who took off my clothes? You have a girl on your crew, right?" I say as I panic slightly.
"Well, yea we have a girl on the crew. But since I was the only one in the surgery room, I took off your clothes." He says as a light pink color dusts his cheeks.
"WHAT?!!?" I yell as I sit up.
"Well it was an emergency. And I had to stitch you up and make sure you were ok." He says quickly as he looks away from me. "Oh, by the way. I really like your tattoos. I noticed them when I was- you know. But how did you get that scar on your hip?"He says as he looks back at me.
"Oh thanks I like yours too. But that was just from a few years back so don't worry." I say as I blush a little.
"Thanks, but there is a lot more than you can see." He says smirking.
"Oh, is there now." I say as I make eye contact with him.
"Yea, maybe I can show you sometime." He says as he sits down on the bed with me.
"It would only be fair. Since you saw mine." I say smirking as he starts to blush even brighter.
"Yea, I guess." He says nervously.
"Well thank you for saving me and all. But why did you." I ask as it starts to get awkward.
"Oh well about that, I thought it would've be a simple trade. I save your life and you be our new cook." He says.
"That's very presumptuous of you to assume just because you saved me doesn't mean I'll agree to that." I say as I start to become a little angry. 'I'm not just a cook. I have goals and dreams just like everyone else. This jackass.' I think.
"It's presumptuous that you thought you'd have a choice." He says as he smirks evilly. 'Well I mean how bad would it be. I already have a bounty over my head. The government hates me and all. But I'm not a pirate. I just cause some trouble here and there. But still what an asshole move. Save some girl so you can make her your cook. What an asshat he is. But a least there is a cute polar bear in a jumpsuit and the Captain in hot. Wait did I just say that. Well I'm not wrong. Ewwwwww. Stop!' I think as I start to argue in my head.
"Alright, I'll join but I have some conditions." I say as I sit up tall.
"Ohh." Law says as he smirks smugly. 'What I would do to wipe that smile off his face.' I think.
"1st, I have to have my own room since you have 20 guys on your crew and 1 girl. 2nd, no one is allowed in the kitchen when I'm cooking. 3rd, I get my own bathroom I don't want no one sneaking in while I'm in there or someone loses their dick. That includes you Captain." I say as I state my conditions in a business manner.
"I think we can make that happen." He says as he stands up.
"Alright welcome to the crew. Delaynie." He says as he reaches for my hand to shake it. I hesitantly shake it as his eyes soften.
"But the only thing is you have to start trusting the crew and me. Just take your time. Ok. And remember none of us would ever hurt you in any way." He say as he pulls his hand away.
"I think I'll be fine." I say truthfully. 'He trusts me. I should be able to trust him. Right?'
"Alright let me show you to your room." He says as he makes his way to the door. I follow closely behind as he walks me down the hall and to a room. We finally stop at a door.
"Alright. Here it is. You can do whatever you want to it to make you feel comfortable. And at the next island we can go shopping for you. But since it's getting late, I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight Delaynie." He says as he smiles softly.
"Goodnight Law." I say as my heart beat races as he smiles at me. 'His smiles are so... warming and nice.' I think as I start to make my room homey.

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