Chapter Four

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✨Time Skip✨
✨Delaynie's POV✨
It's been 3 weeks since I joined the crew and in those three months I've gotten really close to the crew and even closer with Law. Even though he doesn't show it I know deep down he likes me. A lot. And I do to but in the love kind of way. Right now I'm making dinner for the crew. Instead of asking what everyone wanted I just decided to make something I'd think they'd enjoy. I start to think back to the recipes my mom taught me. Once I thought of what I wanted to cook I looked through the pantry for the ingredients. There's not much to work with but I'll make it work. Normally I'd want to do something simple but I kinda want to experiment. Before everyone took their seats in the galley, I plate the food very elegantly and set each one out on the tables. I open the doors and everyone pauses for a moment when they see the food. They start whispering about how good it looks and slowly they make their way to their seats. The crew begins digging into and the last person in the door is Law. He stares at the crew as the gobble down their Thanksgiving style turkey sandwich's. Law looks at me with a frown.
"Delaynie-ya I don't like bre-." He starts.
"I heard, I asked Bepo what you like and didn't like before. He said you don't like bread. So I prepared something extra special for you Captain. Come with me." I said as I made my way to the kitchen.
"I thought no one was allowed in the kitchen." He said.
"I didn't want them to get jealous." I said taking off lid. I revealed a large steaming hot plate, on it was a buttery eight inch cut of salmon with a side of garlic mashed potatoes, and asparagus. He stared at the plate.
"I also asked Bepo what your favorite food was and he said salmon and so I made you this. It's the way my mom use to make it, with a side of mashed potatoes and asparagus." I said proudly. He started trying all of the food and then quickly ate it all.
"Thank you." He said before he took his dishes to the sink and washed them. I walked over and grab a rag to dry the dishes as he finishes washing them. When I reached to pick up the plate he grabbed my wrist which makes my breath hitch. I drop the plate but somehow he catches it before it hits the ground. He sets the plate on the counter still holding my wrist in his other hand. I'm standing still in confusion and shock when he speaks.
Don't be so clumsy" he says.
"I only dropped it because you grabbed me!" I exclaim.
"I was trying to be nice.. I didn't want you doing anymore for me, especially after you made me that meal." He replies and finally loosens his grip. I start to pull my arm away but he grabs my hand and gives it a caring squeeze as he utters "Thank you, it reminded me of my mother's cooking."  He lets go and walks away leaving me blushing.
"Well shit..." I say under my breath as I stare down at the hand he had held. 
Law's POV
She had made dinner for us today. She made the crew a feast but she didn't make me a plate. When she told me to come into the kitchen I was nervous but when she unveiled the meal she had made for me I was shocked. She had gone out of her way to make one of my favorite things, and it was amazing. It reminded me of the way my mom made it but it was even better. I thanked her and began washing my dishes. When I set down the clean plate she picked it up to dry it and I grabbed her to stop her and she dropped the plate but thankfully I grew up learning to hone my reflexes and I caught it. I think she was impressed because she just sat there staring at me. I couldn't get myself to let go. When I loosened my grip she tried to pull away but I caught her hand and gave it a squeeze, I wish I could've held it for longer, I wanted to kiss it but I couldn't move. I thanked her again and left before doing something stupid. I think I might really like her. No. Not like. I love her.
Delaynie's POV
I was walking back to my room but passed by Law's office, I could see him intently writing through the door window. 'He looks so focused, he really is handsome... I'm so glad he complimented my cooking....' I thought. I walked away to my room. Bepo told me that it had been Law's room because it was the biggest but he switched rooms with me. I'm assuming because it has the only real private bathroom and he knew if I had to use the other one that someone would creep on me and I would leave. 'But it's really sweet of him to give me the Captain's quarters... god he makes me crazy. Like his actions say something but his words say something totally different. I wish I could just know how he feels. I really do love him. I fell pretty hard. But I'm confused.' I think. I finally fall asleep after being up thinking about him for hours. I wake up to a knock on my door. It's Bepo coming to wake me up so I can cook breakfast. I'm tired but I get up eventually. I get up to go to the kitchen. As I open the door I see..

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