Chapter Three

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The ringing of their ears was the only sound that they could hear. Nobody stepped through the gaping hole that once held the door. To their knowledge everything was silent. And it was unsettling. Lena took a careful step toward the door, silently debating on whether or not she should satisfy her curiosity or her paranoia.

The dust settled, Angel took a step over to Lena with the mind set of getting her and Scota out of there.

The clicking of a gun caused the three's hearts to stop. They turned around the face the door that was wide open with six heavily armed men and two lean women, who all looked like they could and would crush your skull with two fingers.

"You're coming with us Scota Wolff. You can't get yourself out of this one. Give us what you saved from your computer." One of the terrifying looking women hissed.

"I wish my research was saved, do you know how long it takes to get from the school to my home? Twenty minutes. That's the exact amount of time, I had to get home. Even if I managed to break every traffic law there was, I wouldn't have had enough time to get all of my information saved. It got destroyed end of story." Scota shot back, her breath was fast from fear but her voice was steady with a hint of sass. She felt immensely surprised that she was able to get the words out, after all under normal circumstances she can't get any words out when under pressure.

The glares of the armed intruders intensified. "That may be true, but we know you saw what was on those files." A deep abrasive voice came from one the men standing towards the middle. Angel figured he must be one of the head honcho's of this outing.

Lena and Angels' arms were grabbed from behind and locked into a steel grip of large hands. They had more that came in from behind. Making the total of frightening people go from eight to twelve people. Scota's heart dropped to the floor. She wasn't able to stop her self from reacting to them being held hostage.

"We can play 'dirty' Miss. Wolff, don't think that we won't. Now either you can come quietly or we can put a bullet through one of your friends' eyes. It's your choice."

Scota's face crumpled in guilt, "okay, I give. I'll come quietly."

"No! Scota you can't do this, they will kill you!" Lena screamed, she gave a furious cry as she tried to wrench her arms from the two burly men holding her. But, they yanked her back to them, nearly breaking both her arms.

"I'm not going to let you filthy little rug rats take away Scota! You can keep your dirty bloodstained paws off of her! And if you so much as harm a hair on Lena's head I will find some way to kill all of you. Like an A42!"

"A42?" Scota gave Angel a questioning look. "Ummm forgive me but, I'm not very familiar with guns."

A gun shot rang through the air, Scota's eyes widened, she looked down at her arm the bullet had barely skimmed her arm. It was the very definition of a graze. She could see dark red blood slowly ooze down her arm.

"Shut up! You all will shut up or I will kill you all in the ways you don't want to imagine!" The head honcho roared.

The silence afterward was deafening. When suddenly there was a strange clicking and whirring noise that seemed to emanate from everything.

The high pitched whine of sirens screamed throughout the house. The walls seemed to come apart and there were small stun guns that came out from the walls and began to take down the unwelcome intruders.

Lena froze as she looked around the chaos going on around be she quickly snapped into escape mode. She slammed the heel of her shoe into one of the man's shoes. When he loosened his grip on her she grabbed his arm and threw him into the other man that had loosened his grip on her in his surprise over the situation.

She threw the man so hard that they were both knocked out when they painfully collided with the wall.

"I HATE violence! It's a horrible thing that breeds hate and corruption! And you made me participate in it!" Lena yelled before she picked up an antique table by the bookshelfs that probably weighed nearly 300 hundred pounds. "So, this better be a good reason for me to engage in something as horrible as this!" She then chucked the table towards the group in front of Scota, and the table was large enough to not only take out three people but to also have them knock over two other men.

Angel had been freed with the help of the stun guns who had taken out the two men who held him in their clutches. He looked over at the peace loving pacifist known as Lena Thara in shock. "Man! You turn into the Hulk when you're mad!"

"And that's the only time you'll see it. We need to go!" Lena ran forward grabbed a frozen Scota and began to weave her way through the pandemonium that was going on in the living room.

"Good thing you can always find a way out of any situation, right Lena?" Scota managed to work the words past her lips.

"Good thing, or you two would never get out of here alive!" Lena said as she ran towards the garage. Angel grabbed the keys on the hook. The keys for Scota's Father's car. She paled at the thought of being in a car chase in her father's beloved car.

"I'm driving!" Angel proclaimed while pitching himself into the front seat, while Lena and Scota momentarily paused in their race to get into the car. They shared identical looks of horror at the thought of Angel being behind the wheel.

"Get in before someone gets out here!" Angel hollered at them, "this is the slowest get away that I've ever seen!"

Scota and Lena snapped into focus again and jumped into the car. They were barely seated before Angel was peeling out of the garage. Barely clearing past the garage doors as they made their slow descent upward.

"We are going to die." Scota and Lena proclaimed at the same time.

Sorry for not updating for a little while. I kept getting distracted by the wonderful books that I've found on Wattpad. My favorite author so far is writeon27. I hope I got that right!! Can't wait to get started on chapter four!!!

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