Chapter Five

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The car gave a violent jolt forward as the SUV behind them began to repeatedly slam the front of the SUV into their car. Lena, Scota, and Angel all emitted high pitched screams of terror at the action.

"We need to find some way to get out of here! Otherwise we can get trapped! I know this road, it ends in a dead end. And you know what else will be dead?! WE will! We will be very dead!" Lena shrieked from the backseat.

"I know that, I just don't know where to go!" Angel yelled, his frustration making his features screw up.

Scota's digits flew across the screen of her phone. "I'm going to need you to turn right in about five seconds." She looked at the speedometer, cringed, then amended her statement. "Never mind, you need to turn in like two seconds."

Angel slammed the brake turned on a dime then proceeded to bash his right foot onto the accelerator. The alley was just barely big enough for the small car owned by Scota's father to get through.

"Why are there so many people right now?! I would prefer to not hit someone! After all I don't want us to get caught by those crazed mo-" Angel's eye twitched as he had to swerve to avoid a pedestrian and food stall.

"This is a Flea Market Angel, and we are destroying it!" Lena yelled in his ear again, as if that would be able to get her thoughts into his head a little easier.

A stall about 200 feet in front of them shattered from the impact of the SUV as it flew through it. Angel threw the car into reverse and floored it. The sun roof rolled back on the SUV to reveal a massive, ominous, futuristic looking machine gun. A high powered whirring came from the gun as the three watched with wide eyed horror and fascination. The tip glowed blue and a bolt of electric blue energy came hurtling towards their car. It hit just above the windshield.

It was silent for a bone chilling minute. Then a strange hissing began to get louder as the seconds progressed. Scota twisted and looked up, her eyes widening comically, but there was nothing funny about what she was witnessing. The energy whatever it was, was eating through the car!

"We need to get out of here, and get a new car. I don't want to find out what that energy, liquid, whatever it is, does to people!" Scota said outwardly showing the panic she had bubbling up inside her.

Angel saw a stall that sat in front of small alley way, and he steered the car to go down the alley. Angel slammed his foot on the gas pedal easily pushing 170 in the small car. The high powered whirring started up again.

"Um, guys, they're behind us. I mean they can't get in, but they are going to shoot us again!" Lena's voice was apprehensive.

Just as the whirring got to a whole new level of whining, they reached the end of the alley way. The glowing energy just barely missed them. The hissing continued above them, small holes were giving a view of the sky.

The car was being rocketed down the deserted road, the hissing of the roof from the weird goop that had been fired at them making them all more nervous. Angel made random turns before they came to a small town.

"Hey! I see a car mart thing whatever it's called!" Lena said elated they could now get out of the quickly deteriorating car.

Angel parked the car in a random area before they grabbed the bags that they had packed in their haste to get out of the house.

Since it was passed midnight by now, Scota crept up to the drivers side and began to pick the lock, then proceeded to hot wire the car.

"Angel, I'm going to need you to put this money in the dealership because in all honesty I don't feel comfortable stealing a car." Scota said nodding her head over to the front doors of the building.

Angel gave a two fingered salute which was slightly mocking. Before sauntering to the front of the building and silently breaking in. He returned in a few minutes.

"We need to get moving, maybe find some place to lay low for a while." Lena's eyes got all shifty eyed as Angel says.

"Alright I'm driving now, because I would like to get to our hideout without a lot of unwanted attention." Scota climed into the drivers seat. "We also need to find a bathroom that doesn't have cameras around because we need to change how we look fast."

"But, I like my hip length blonde hair. I can't just cut it or something!" Lena paniced.

"Don't worry I have everything planned out. So I figured out what you two wouldn't mind changing." Scota replied in a placating way.

"I swear Scota if you try to troll me and make me blonde and wear all bright colors, you better learn how to sleep with your eyes open." Angel growled.

Heeeyyyyy.... Sorry you haven't heard from me for a while.... I don't even have an excuse. So I'm not even going to pretend that I do. But, I have been trying to figure out certain key points of the story in my head. So yeah, hope you guys liked it! Put a star if you did!!! Oh and comment because I haven't gotten anything like that yet... Pretty please!

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