Chapter Four

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The screams of voices and tires as Angel was practically hurling the car down the street to try to stay a head of the other car.

"Turn left in like five seconds! Agh!!! You nearly hit that caution sign! Which obviously you're not being very cautious are you Angel?! Are you trying to kill us?!" Scota yelled while trying to keep her stomach from coming out of her mouth. There's no way just food would come out if she got jostled any more than she already has.

"I know I'm a horrible driver Scota, I don't need to be constantly reminded about it!" The car lifted off of the ground on the left side. Angel gave an agitated huff as he violently turned the steering wheel to avoid the on coming car on the other side of the road. "We all know I'm a violent driver! If you cut me off I will ram my car into you to get revenge! Not many would be able to keep up with my crazy driving skills, after all any and all signs are optional in my rule book."

Lena gave a terrified whimper from the backseat of the car. She kept muttering that everyone was going to die and death was going to be every where.

"And my driving is not the big thing right now, you can't lie. You're horrible at lying, you can't even tell a half truth. So, I know you have the information from your computer. Why, the h-" Angel shot back to Scota.

"No swearing Angelo Chavez, I would smack you right now but I could make the already high risk of a crash even higher!" Lena bellowed from the backseat.

Lena received a stink eye in reply to her yelling in Angel's ear.

"I was bored this summer, so I thought hmmm... Why don't I learn how to lie? That could be pretty important to know later on in life. So I did about a hundred hours of research on pupils, tenors of the voice, and trembling of the hands to pull off a successful lie. Oh, there was even stuff about where to look, and facial tics in your expressions, and even your heartbeat. It was fascinating!" Scota said almost losing herself in the memories of her research.

Angel shared a look with Lena that basically said 'her love of learning in creepily high'.

"When could your house do all of that Scota? I didn't know you liked to learn about security." Lena pointed out on of the elephants in the car.

Scota snapped out of whatever learning induced haze that she was in previously lightning fast when she remembered what her house could do. "You!!!" She pointed an accusing finger to Angel. "I know you did something weird to my security system. It was not a coincidence that you say something like A55 or something and my house goes crazy!"

Angel pushed her finger out of his face, wildly making the car swerve on the road. "Hey! It's a good thing I did Miss. I-hacked-an-ancient-terrorist-organization. Otherwise guess where we would all be? Six feet under! You remember when I wasn't swearing up and down that I wanted to be a thief that I wanted to be a security consultant?"

"Yeah, how could I forget? You were obsessed saying they were both your calling. What of it?" Scota's Scottish accent had been coming out stronger progressively as all of these insane events unfolded.

"You never did look up what a security consultant is did you? I told you a million times to look it up, but did you? Noooo... Of course not! That would be too easy! Scota Fia Wolff doesn't need to look up something like that, the job name practically explains itself!" Angel was openly mocking her.

Scota pouted in the passenger seat. Before her body abruptly slid forward as Angel slammed the brakes to avoid hitting the older woman slowly crossing the street. He slammed his foot onto the gas pedal and did a wide swerve to get around her.

"Watch where your going! You could've killed her!!!" Lena screamed in his ear again.
Angel winced at the loud voice that seemed to bounce around in his skull.

"Fine! I'll be more careful. Sheesh. And I guess now I should just tell you what a security consultant is." Angel said this next part with the utmost seriousness. "It means that I can teach you how to hunt down a terrorist and kill him."

Lena and Scota seemed to be frozen in their seats as they processed what Angel said.

"Well," came the Australian accented voice of Lena, her tone drier than a desert. "That's ironic."

"So," Scota paused and scrunched her nose in thought and tilted her head to the side. "That made you want to turn my house into a massive security safe haven? Because I'm not really following how you can go from 'I want to kill terrorists' to 'Let's vamp Scota's security to a whole new level'?"

"I did it in case my Dad ever needed a place to lay low." Angel quietly said.

"Why would your Dad ever need a safe place? Is that what your Dad does for work? Is that why we never see him?" Lena was spitting out questions in rapid fire succession.

Angel winced. "Yeah, he would need a safe place. But, he isn't in that field of work. He um, you know how I'm a kleptomaniac?"

"Yeah and?" Lena questioned.

Scota slightly narrowed her eyes at Angel, her face turned to one of understanding. "Your Dad is a thief." She said confidently.

Angel had a proud smile. "One of the best."

"What?! But, but, but, how?!" Lena spluttered.

The car jolted forward from being slammed from behind. They had caught up to them.


Wow! Sorry about that wait. I started this chapter like 2 days after I uploaded chapter three. And then, I forgot about this. :/ Sorry! Hope you guys like it! I'll try to find pictures of people that looks like the characters. So that way it'll be easier to picture. It may take me a while lol. 

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