Chapter Six

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As soon as they made it inside the sketchy motel that was in a piddly little town in the middle of Georgia. They were hoping they put enough distance between them and the terrorists.

As soon as they stepped through the rickety front door of their small two bed room, Scota immediately handed Lena and Angel small bags.

"Those bags contain everything you need to basically become someone else. Passports, money, clothes, hair stain, makeup, anything." Scota said.

"Hair stain?" Lena said skeptically.

"Makeup?" Angel had a paniced look on his face.

"The hair stain is my own concoction, it can be washed out with a special solution, and it doesn't damage your hair. And the makeup is in case you need to change your skin color." Scota replied quickly.

Angel grabbed his bag before claiming the bathroom first, stating "it's my right as the only male in this group to get first dibs on the bathroom."

Lena gave a long-suffering sigh and turned her head in a random direction with an unimpressed look. As though she was looking for a hidden camera with a secret audience.

Angel was in the bathroom for all of five seconds before the rickety and decomposing door practically flew off of its hinges at the force of Angel's anger. And this anger was loudly rolling off of him in waves. "What the fu-fudge is this? Do you remember my warning Scota?! I said no color!"

Scota slowly looked up to meet the furious eyes of Angel. She raised an eyebrow and was trying to repress her mirth at his anger. She stood up and wore a small smirk at being able to press his buttons so easily.

"Sorry, I gave you the wrong bag. You are holding my bag currently." She was trying to repress a smile during her apology. She extended her arm toward him with the proper bag of clothes, her mouth slowly extending into a smirk.

Angel made a growling noise in the back of his throat. He snatched the bag from Scota's extended fingertips. A wicked smile appeared on his face, he turned around and right when he made it past the threshold of the bathroom he said, "Well you'll just have to wait to get your stuff. Since you wanted to do this to me. And by wait, I mean I'll mess with your stuff and change everything."

Scota's eyes widened in horror, before she was up and pounding her fists onto the door. "Angel! Don't you dare! I purchased all of those clothes specially for that ID! Angel! I will pick this lock if you don't open up now!" Scota yelled.

"Like your going to break in when there is a high possibility that I could be naked right now. You may be willing to do many things but, your not brave enough to do something like that." Angel smugly pointed out.

Lena rolled her eyes heavenward. She strolled over to Scota, she stood up on her toes because Scota in her heels was about 5'9. And she whispered into Scota's ear a plan. The anger drained from Scota's face and a smirk began to spread across her face. She looked over to Lena and smiled with a sharp edge to it.

Lena held up three fingers, a countdown. Two, one, Scota slammed her open palm onto the weak door handle. The handle blew out of its spot and into the shower stall. Angel's high pitched shriek came moments later.

Scota burst into the room and grabbed her bag that was right by the door frame. She dissolved into snorts and giggles at the sight of Angel.

"Nice tidy whities," Scota gasped out.

Lena didn't know where to look, yes, the situation was hilarious. But, she didn't know to laugh or be annoyed that Angel didn't think that Scota would retaliate. She settled for cracking a smile.

Scota slammed the door shut, and changed into the disguise so fast it seemed to just appear onto her body.

Angel burst out of the bathroom, he flapped his arms in his indignation. "You! You! I can't believe you would do something like that! I mean what the fu-fudge! Did you just think 'oh, well, I might as well just barge in. I really don't care if Angel could be naked. I mean who cares besides Angel, nobody really thinks about what he thinks.' Really Scota?"

"You took my bag, of course I'm going to retaliate. And yes, I knew you going to be changing by then, how else was a supposed to prove a point?" Scota raised an eyebrow in question.

"Prove a point? Like, you had to prove a point by getting all competitive and drag us into this mess?" Angel shot back, his rage pouring into his words.

Scota pursed her lips and her eyes thinned into a glare before she replied with sarcasm dripping from her words. "Please, tell me how you really feel."

"Hey! Before you two start arguing, which doesn't happen very often, and focus on what is happening now. Yes, Scota screwed up. Sorry, Scota. But, we now have to come up with a plan to disappear and hopefully never be found. Alright?" Lena said intervening from what could only end in a heaps of emotional pain.

"Fine," Angel ground out. "Any bright ideas Scota?"

"Yes, actually, I have been preparing for this to happen since I first found out who I actually hacked. Angel you still have your contacts in the criminal world right?"

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