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Author's Note:

A year ago almost to the day, my grieving heart found Erkenci Kus. I fell in love with Can and Sanem and fell under their spell of love. As I watched those last several episodes, Sanem's character arch into an accomplished writer inspired me to write again. 

I had realized my dream of writing and publishing my first book about grief, life, love, God and what I wanted to share with the beautiful women in my life the year before. But my pain stopped me from writing another book. It's crazy the impact this show made in my life but I believe that it came at just the right time. I started writing again that same month, a book that is yet to be finished and published, about rediscovering who I am after loss. 

As is common with grief, its grip tightened around me once again and the book has laid dormant for many months. On a whim, I decided to try my hand at fiction, something I hadn't written since high school. I wrote and published my first chapter of Unexpected Love late one Friday night, knowing no one would ever really read it. It was my cathartic expression of what was on my heart. It was always a dream to write fiction but I didn't follow through with it, always making excuses. 

The first morning I woke up after publishing that first chapter, I had 8 readers. I was over the moon.

19 days later, my first full fledged romance novel was written! The words poured out of me and everything in my life went on hold so I could finish what was in my heart.

So many of you have gone on this journey with me, commenting, voting and urging me on and I can't thank you enough for the support! It has meant the world to me.

I woke up today to find that I've reached 10,000 readers! My mind can't wrap itself around this fact. In the grand scheme of things in this world, it's a small thing but to this writer, it's everything. 

Writer..a label I've never called myself before this experience, even with the published book. It feels good. I've been writing all my life but it was always something in the background but somehow this experience here on Wattpad has broken down walls that I erected many years ago. Fear, doubt and other emotions held me back.

So, let me be a reminder to you to never give up on your dreams. Stop making excuses and just take that first step. Only 8 people may notice you at first but more will come!

You're so worth the fight, the sacrifices and the effort. Dream big and keep reaching for those dreams. You have something the world needs. Every single one of you.

Thank you! Thank you for helping me reach my dreams!

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