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"Shubman did you take the things which I told you to take" mama Gill shouted as she wants everyone to be ready "mom I have taken everything and if we miss something don't worry we will buy it when we land in India" Shubman shouted back as we is setting his hair

As everyone is getting ready the door bell rang the maid opened the door and two people walked inside the house with their suitcases

"What are you guys doing here" Shubman asked Henry and Jungkook "aunty called us and said to join you guys our parents will join later and we will go with you guys" Jungkook said to Shubman and also looking in the mirror to set his hair

"I called them now because I know you and sid will get bored and these two will also miss you so why not call them now" mama Gill said without even anyone asking because she knows that they do want to ask this question

"Thank you mom you are sooo beautiful" Siddharth said as he is happy that he will have someone else other than his annoying brother shubman "stop with the buttering and pack the things fast we need to leave in an hour" mama Gill said to Siddharth

After the packing and all they left for the airport and boarded for their plane

And here the next morning everyone is freaking out or you can say Priyanka is freaking out "Ishan give me the dress I need to get ready" Priyanka said to Ishan who is cleaning his room "didi calm down they will arrive at noon jot now why are you freaking out" Ishan said and resumed his room cleaning

"I want start getting ready from now" Priyanka said and pouted "ok ok I understand now stop pouting I have your dress ready" Ishan said and went towards his closet to get the dress

"I want start getting ready from now" Priyanka said and pouted "ok ok I understand now stop pouting I have your dress ready" Ishan said and went towards his closet to get the dress

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"I think this will look best because they are just coming to meet us so something simple,elegant and beautiful" Ishan said and showed the dress to Priyanka

"Omg the dress looks so pretty" Priyanka said and took the dress from Ishan's hands "you are coming with me to the airport right" Priyanka asked Ishan who shooked his head "oh no I'm not you go with papa I'm going to buy some gift for Shahid bhaiya" Ishan said as he remembers how he was the first one to know about their relationship and how Shahid is like his older brother

"Ohh okey and after cleaning the room go downstairs to mummy I think she was searching for you" Priyanka said and went out the room and Ishan resumed his room cleaning and after that he went downstairs to his mom

"Ishan beta is your room and everything clean" Ishan's mom asked him while cooking some sweets "yes mummy the room is cleaned" Ishan said and sat on the kitchen counter while looking at the different sweets "you want to eat sweets" Ishan's mother asked Ishan who nodded his head

"Then help in the kitchen" Ishan's mother said and smirked "what mummy you can't do this to me" Ishan said and jumped down from the kitchen counter "then no sweets" Ishan's mom said and went back to cooking "ok ok I will help" Ishan said and started helping his mother in the kitchen

It is finally the time when Priyanka and dad are going to the airport to pick up the Gills and here Ishan forgot that he wanted to buy something for Shahid so Ishan went to buy his stuff while the father and daughter duo reached the airport

Priyanka and dad are waiting outside when she saw Shahid coming out of the airport she shouted as she is so excited to see him and Shahid smiled while looking at Priyanka she looks so beautiful and after meeting for a year he just wants to go and hug her tightly but he can't because the parents are here

Shahid started walking fast and reached Priyanka before his family he went towards Priyanka's fathers feet and touched it to show respect "oh son I'm happy to finally meet you" Dad said and hugged Shahid tightly "me too uncle I'm also happy" Shahid said and hugged dad back "don't call me uncle son I'm like your father" Dad said and patted on Shahid's back

Mama Gill and everyone reached towards Priyanka who touched mama and papa gills feet to show respect "what you two idiots are doing here" Priyanka asked to Henry and Jungkook

"Hey how can you call us idiots and didn't you miss us" Henry said and looked at jungkook who nodded and here the parents are laughing while looking at this "no I didn't I thought I will not have to see your faces in my best day but I guess I have to" Priyanka said to Henry and Jungkook

"Oh we didn't knew we are ruining your wedding don't worry me and jungkook can return I will just have to contact my parents" Henry said and started walking towards the airport with Jungkook "hey wait I was just joking with you guys I didn't mean it like that" Priyanka said and hold Henry and Jungkook's hand they were like brothers to her similarly like Siddharth and Shubman were

"And we were also joking if I know I'm ruining your best day then I will stay no matter what" Jungkook said and showed Priyanka his tongue and ran towards mama Gill and Priyanka also ran behind him

After all the chaos they were finally seated in the car "Priyanka didi you said your brother will also come where is he" Siddharth asked Priyanka "oh he went to buy something for Shahid" Priyanka said and looked at Shahid who smiled "wow Ishan went to buy something for me" Shahid said and smiled while thinking about Ishan who is just a cute little sulky cat

"Who is Ishan" Jungkook asked Siddharth "he is Priyanka didi smaller brother" Siddharth replied to him "ohh someone new I have to meet this Ishan then if Shahid bhai is smiling so much after hearing his name" Henry said to Shubman who just nodded and went back to using his phone

After dropping the Gill family in their house and helping them put their luggage the Gill family said that they eill now only go to Priyankas house because they know how the food is ready and if anyone wants to sleep they can sleep their

So Finally the Gill family reached Priyanka and Ishan's house and where is Ishan he is still shopping

After sometime "I'm actually going outside to get some fresh aur does anyone wants to come with me" Shubman asked and all of them are busy stuffing their mouth with food "nah bhai you go we are eating" Siddharth said and went to eating his laddu

Shubman is walking when he saw a puppy in between the road so he went towards the puppy and started patting him on his head and then when he picked up the puppy he head honking but before he could react someone already pulled him on the side

"Can't you see huh what were you doing by standing between the road what if that car crashed into you what would have happened" Ishan bombarded Shubman with questions who just looked at him thinking why is this small human shouting at me

"No need to shout ok you can say it calmly" Shubman said rudely to Ishan who just looked at him "Baandar kahi ka" Ishan said and started walking towards this house "what did you just say" Shubman shouted and asked Ishan and without answering anything Ishan walked away

*did you guys liked this update and are you guys liking the story so far ik it's just 2 chapters but still are you liking this so far*

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