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Ishan reached and entered the house and saw everyone sitting and talking "Ishan you are back" Priyanka said and got up from beside Shahid and went towards Ishan

Everyone looked at Ishan who came forward and touched mama and papa Gill's feet and turned towards Shahid "Ishan.. Ishan come here my man" Shahid said and pulled Ishan for a hug who hugged him back

"Why did you take so much time" Shahid asked "arr he spends hours in shopping so it's normal" Priyanka said and sat beside Shahid "here bhaiya I bought this for you" Ishan said and gave Shahid the thing he bought

"Why did you take so much time" Shahid asked "arr he spends hours in shopping so it's normal" Priyanka said and sat beside Shahid "here bhaiya I bought this for you" Ishan said and gave Shahid the thing he bought

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"I bought you and Priyanka didi matching YSL bracelets" Ishan said and smiled "ohh thank you Ishan" Shahid said and again hugged Ishan

"Hey I'm Jungkook you can call me Jk or yours I'm happy with anything" Jungkook said and winked at Ishan who is a little taken aback "don't just jump on him directly I'm also in the line so back off" Henry said and pushed Jungkook and stood infront of Ishan and shooked his hand "I'm Henry and do you have a partner" Henry shamelessly asked who again got shocked

"Stop stay away from my brother" Priyanka said and came between them to save her younger brother "you guys really biological brother and sister" Henry asked Priyanka "yeah why you asking" Priyanka said and raised an eyebrow at Henry "like look at him he is so cute and beautiful and look at you" Henry said and laughed with Jungkook "you pieces of shit" Priyanka said and chased after them who ran so Priyanka doesn't catch them

Ishan just looked at everything and sat down on the couch beside Sid "ignore them it's their daily thing" Sid said to Ishan who looked at him "hi I'm Siddharth" Sid forwarded his hand for a handshake "hey I'm Ishan" Ishan shook Siddharth's hand "I know Priyanka didi and Shahid bhai used to talk so much about you" Sid said and smiled at Ishan

"Ohh I remembered them mentioning your and one more person's name as well" Ishan said to Sid who listened to him "the other other person might be Shubman bhai" Sid said to Ishan who agreed quickly "yeah that was the name I forgot I'm very bad with names" Ishan said and awkwardly smiled "don't worry I'm so not that great with names" Sid said to Ishan and both smiled at each other

*if you guys are thinking where the parents are they are in the terrace and the kids are downstairs*

Sid and Ishan started talking and quickly started becoming friends. As they were talking the door bell rang and Priyanka went towards the door to open it "you were gone for so long huh I was worried that you got lost" Priyanka scolded Shubman "didi I didn't get lost and I have Google maps if I did we don't live in the 80s" Shubman said to Priyanka

Ishan heard the that someone was here "that must be Shubman bhai" Sid answered Ishan "ohh let's go and meet him" Ishan said as Shubman is the only one he hasn't meet "yeah let's go" Sid said and stood up with Ishan

They went towards the kitchen "you what are you doing here" Shubman shouted at Ishan "this is my house Baandar what are you doing here" Ishan replied back

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