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"You can't just climb inside my room" Ishan said and went towards Shubman and stood Infront of him "I can and I did" Shubman said and laid down on the bed "Shubman why are you here" Ishan asked while standing Infront of Shubman "I'm here to propose a truce" Shubman said and sat up "a truce?" Ishan asked while looking at him "yeah a truce" Shubman said and shrugged his shoulder "why do you suddenly want truce" Ishan asked getting confused 

"we both have been fighting for over a week now and I don't want to ruin the mood of the wedding and we both are going to be family soon so we will be seeing each other often and its not ideal to continue fighting whenever we meet" Shubman said to Ishan who started thinking about what Shubman said and he Ishan also thought that Shubman is not wrong if they continue fighting they will just ruin everything "okey truce" Ishan said and forwarded his hand for a handshake and Shubman shook his hand "so friends right" Shubman asked Ishan who replied with "yeah friends" 

after shaking hands Shubman went towards the window to climb down "why did you came from the window you could have knocked on my door" Ishan asked Shubman who turned and answer "you wouldn't have opened the door if you knew it was me and also its fun climbing windows" Shubman said and looked down to see how he is going to jump down "you think climbing windows are fun at this time" Ishan asked while making a weird face "it is now stop making that face it makes you look cute" Shubman said and smirked while Ishan's face turned red and Shubman jumped down the window after that and Ishan saw him landing safely on his legs and dusting his hands and looked up towards Ishan's window and blow a  flying kiss towards Ishan and left 

Ishan shook his head while a small chuckle escaped his mouth "he is seriously a bandar" Ishan said and closed his window and went back to sleep

Next morning everyone is up and biding their goodbyes to Shahid, mama and papa Gill. Priyanka is very sad but controlling her emotions "don't worry Pri I will try to finish the work asap and I will be back soon till then you have everyone so spend you time with them and I will call you everyday so pick it up ok" Shahid said trying to assure Priyanka that he will be back soon. Priyanka nodded her head and hugged Shahid who hugged her back 

"I will miss you maa and I will miss you too pops" Priyanka turned towards mama and papa Gill "you silly girl we will be back in 2 months why are being so emotional" Papa Gill said and ruffled Priyanka's hair and then they went towards the car with Shahid and left for the Airport. after they left everyone went inside to eat breakfast and start their day 

Ishan is in the kitchen getting his orange juice when we left someone's presence behind him so he turned around and saw Shubman standing there with a smile on his face "good morning did you sleep well" Shubman asked while still having a huge smile on his face and Ishan is a little taken aback because of him being all smiley. yeah he remember the truce between them but he didn't expected this and not so early "good morning and yeah I did sleep well what about you did you sleep well" Ishan asked trying to not act awkward "yeah me too I slept well" Shubman said and stood still Ishan nodded his head and started walking towards the breakfast table and Shubman followed him close behind and sat beside him 

everyone is eating their breakfast and talking about the things that they are gonna do "mummy I will go out after eating" Ishan said while eating his breakfast "where are you going" Sid asked while chewing his food "oh I'm going to meet my friends do you wanna come" Ishan asked Sid who quickly nodded. Sid and Ishan have gotten really close with each other in this few days they hangout in Ishan's room while Ishan show him his designs and Sid praising his designs and telling Ishan to design something for him so it is natural for Ishan to call Siddharth to join him 

"ohh you are going to take Sid with you and not us" Jungkook said with a teasing tone "if you guys want then you guys can join us" Ishan said to Jungkook who turned towards Henry and he nodded his head agreeing with the idea of joining them and then everyone turned towards Shubman who is eating his food quietly "Shubman are you going to join us" Henry asked Shubman who Shaked his head "sorry guys I can't you guys go ahead" Shubman said and got up and went towards his room. Ishan looked towards the disappearing figure of Shubman he didn't understood why suddenly he denied their request so after finishing his food he went towards Shubmans room and knocked on the door but nobody opened the door. Ishan again knocked on the door and he heard bangs and shuffle from inside and hurried footsteps and then the door opened   

"oh hey I'm sorry for taking this much time I was Taking a shower you want something" Shubman asked Ishan who is standing still and not moving "I

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"oh hey I'm sorry for taking this much time I was Taking a shower you want something" Shubman asked Ishan who is standing still and not moving "I..I came here to ask about why you didn't wanted to join because everyone is going and they might feel bad if you don't go" Ishan said trying to come up with anything "they won't fell shit they will feel revealed that I'm not going so they can do whatever they want" Shubman said with a straight face "Oh Okey then" Ishan said as he didn't knew how to continue "is it about them feeling bad or you feeling bad that I'm not going" Shubman said with a smirk on his face and Ishan stopped on his track "huh what you are overthinking" Ishan said and turned to walk away when Shubman hold his wrist "there nothing bad about feeling bad if I don't come we are friends right so you can feel bad" Shubman said and slowly closed their gap "yeah there is nothing bad about it" Ishan said while panicking because of their closeness "I'm sorry cannot join you now because I need to join the meeting" Shubman said and Ishan turned around with confused about what meeting "what meeting are you talking about" Ishan asked forgot that there is not much distance "Bhai will be on plane so I have to handle the meetings for today" Shubman said and opened his room door wide and Ishan can see that his laptop and meeting files are set on the table "oh then sorry for disturbing you" Ishan said and then suddenly remember their lack of distance "you are not disturbing me okey" Shubman said and slowly closed the remaining gap between them "okey bye" Ishan said and quickly ran towards his room and closed the door shut 

Ishan kept his hands on his cheeks because they were red like a tomato and he trying to calm down his nerves after Ishan ran away Shubman shook his head and went inside to change and attended the meeting and here on the other hand Ishan also started getting ready to forget about what happened and went downstairs to meet everyone and go out   

*hey everyone ik this update is soo late and there is a reason behind it I didn't knew what to write because I had initially planed to write this book after my first book is finish "The Boy From The Village" but you all wanted me to start writing it now so the story is not fully structured I had to brainstorm a lot for this update because i didn't knew what to write I just can't write anything because in future it will affect my book so I'm sorry for the late update please try to understand and don't be a silent reader tell me in the comments which part you liked and which part you didn't*

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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