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Ishan is getting the accessories for his sister's when he felt someone's presence behind him and he knew who it was "what is it now bandar" Ishan said without turning around when he felt the presence closing the distance and a warm breath behind his neck "so babe you think I will look handsome if I wear this kurta" Shubman asked while lowering his voice and Ishan felt a Shiver down his spin "I just helped you don't get that in your head" Ishan said and tried to make some distance between them but then again shubham closed the distance between them "why are you trying to run babe and just accept that you find me handsome" Shubman said and trapped Ishan between him and the accessories counter

Ishan turned around and saw Shubman looking him down with a smirk on his face "bandar move someone will see us and get the wrong idea" Ishan said and tried to control his blushing face "no will see and stop changing the subject Ishu babe" Shubman slowly leaned towards Ishan's face who turned his face to the other side

"Bro what the hack are you doing with beauty you know you have to join the line me and Henry are already there and now you" Jungkook said to Shubman as he saw what was doing on with Shubman and Ishan and after hearing Jungkook's voice Shubman quickly releases Ishan and starts walking towards the clothing section

Ishan doesn't know what to do so with his red face he is trying to act cool Infront of Jungkook "so you didn't showed me any interest but the same cannot be said about Shub" Jungkook said with a smirk on his face and Ishan's whole face started burning because of embarrassment "shut up JK it's not what you are thinking" Ishan tried to reason with Jungkook "oh really then what it's like" Jungkook asked with a big smirk still plastered on his face "I was just helping him with picking out outfits" Ishan said and looked here and there "oh really I didn't knew that for helping someone picking their outfit you have to pin the other person on a counter" Jungkook is really this situation 

"Ishan and kook what are you doing" Shahid asked while standing beside Ishan "I am just asking something to Ishan do you wanna know bhai" Jk said with a teasing smirk on his lips "Shahid Bhai ignore what kook is saying" Ishan said trying to change the subject "ok then Ishan if you are free now then come with me you didi wants some help with the outfits" Shahid said and went towards were Priyanka is and before Jungkook can say anything else Ishan quickly went towards Priyanka 

After the shopping everyone is back home when they entered the living room they saw the elders discussing something with a very serious look on their face "mom and dad we are back" Priyanka shouted while entering the living room and then the elders looked at them "kids come here we have something important to discuss with you all" Mama Gill said and everyone came and sat down to know what is going on "Actually kids I think we have to postpone the wedding" Ishan's father said while looking towards the kids "whatt why papa" Priyanka asked getting confused "The Gills have to return to America because there are some problems in their company and they need to solve is as soon as they can" Ishan's father said and smiled sadly towards Priyanka 

"me, papa and Shahid will only go to America not everyone because of the company Sid, Jungkook, Henry and Shubi can stay here" Mama Gill said to cheer them up a little but Priyanka is ready feeling sad because she thought that now finally she can be together with Shahid they will not be separated but the opposite is happing now "when will you be back mummy" Priyanka asked Mama gill with a sad face "we will be back just after the Diwali I promise my sweet daughter" Mama Gill said and patted Priyanka's head "That means you all will be gone for 1 month and a half" Sid asked papa Gill who nodded "yeah we will try to return early but can't promise anything right now" Papa Gill said to Sid 

"I think you all should stay the night because tomorrow only you are going so lets spend sometime together" Ishan's mother said because she can understand how Priyanka is felling right now so that she could spend a little more time with Shahid Ishan's mother asked everyone to stay the night and they agreed

After dinner everyone is sitting inside Priyanka's bed because they cannot leave the bride and groom alone when suddenly Jungkook said something "Ah I forgot to tell you guys what I saw in the store" Jungkook said and looked at Ishan and Shubman with a smirk who were sitting in opposite sections of the room "say a word and I will break you teeth" Shubman said to Jungkook in a threatening tone and Ishan stood up "I need to go I'm sleepy and tomorrow I need to wake up early so Goodnight everyone" Ishan said and quickly went out of the room and towards his room and slammed the door shut 

"why the heck I'm over reacting" Ishan said this to himself while smacking his own head "but that was a big deal to react like he had me trapped between him and the counter" Ishan started talking with himself if he reacted or not then after a few minutes he gave up and went to sleep 

After 2 hours 

Ishan is asleep soundly in his bed when he heard knocking so he woke up and looked around but didn't saw anything because it is dark so turned on the lights then again he heard a knock from the window so he went towards the window and opened it when suddenly someone hold the frame of the window and climbed up the room "what the heck are you doing" Ishan said to the person who dusted his pants "I missed you the whole day babe so I came up to see you" Shubman said and went towards Ishan's bed and sat down 

*hello people how are you all from now on I will try to be more consistent but sometimes its just that I can't understand what to write so it take days.. tell me did you like the chapter do vote and comment about the part that you like and also if you haven't read my other Ishman book then go and give it a try its called "The Boy From The Village".. thank you for reading my stories take care*   

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