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"what why Goa" Ishan's mother asked because she thought that they will choose some other destination and not Goa "because mom beach wedding is really beautiful and I think didi like my suggestion for the destination" Ishan said while looking at Priyanka who is looking so excited and nodding like a puppy

"Yes maa I think Goa will be a really good destination" Priyanka joined Ishan to show her support for the suggestion "but that's not a traditional wedding setting" Ishan's mother said to Ishan and Priyanka "mummy if the bride wants to do her wedding in goa then why do you care about the settings the main thing is that the wedding is traditional na" Priyanka said trying to make her mother understand "Priyanka ki mummy let the children do what they want it's their day not ours" Mama Gill said to Ishan's mother who waited for a few moments then nodded "ok if you guys want it and the bride and groom are ok with it then we can have a destination wedding in Goa" Ishan's mother said and sigh and sat down beside uncle

"What really Shahid we are going to have a destination wedding in Goa yayaya" Priyanka said and went towards Shahid and hugged him and Shahid is also excited because having a Indian beach wedding is going to be fun

"Then we should start planning everything because the engagement will also be held in Goa" papa Gill said to Ishan's father "yes I also think we should have the engagement in Goa and not here" said Ishan's father agreeing with papa Gill "then with the shopping and everything you kids do it we will call all the relatives and plan everything" Ishan's mother said to everyone and and started getting up when Ishan stooped her "you call all the relatives I will take care of the places and hotel ok it's my Didi's wedding so everything will be perfect I will look for the best places don't worry mama" Ishan said to his mother because he knows she is a little worried with the destination wedding because it is a last minute decision "thank you Ishan we will inform you about the dates and all so you should start with the preparation" Ishan's father said and went towards Ishan and parted his head

After the parents were gone towards the terrace to talk Priyanka jump on Ishan "thanku thanku thanku" Priyanka said and kissed Ishan on his cheeks "arr didi don't do it infront of Shahid bhaiya" Ishan said and hugged his sister "but what about my dresses" Priyanka said and looked down "don't worry I said I will take care of you dresses I mean it and also Jimin and Hritik will be there to help me" Ishan said and smiled at Priyanka to show that he had everything under control "oh yeah I forgot to invite them remember to invite my cuties ok" Priyanka said to Ishan who nodded

"Then we will go tomorrow for your wedding shopping ok" Ishan said to Priyanka who jumped "yes I will finally go for buying my dresses" Priyanka said and started dancing "Shahid Bhai how did you liked this mad lady huh" Jungkook said loudly and Priyanka stoped her dance and looked at jungkook "you jungcock how dare you call me a mad lady" Priyanka said and ran towards Jungkook who went behind Ishan "Ishu please save me from you didi" Jungkook said and hide behind Ishan who started blocking the path for Priyanka "didi call down we have more important things to discuss calm down" Ishan said trying to ca her down "yoo Jk why are you hiding behind that small human you are wayy taller then him he looks like a kid infornt of you" Shubman said and smirked at Ishan whose face got red "you bandar how dare you" Ishan is going towards Shubman but got stopped by Priyanka "Ishan don't you think we have more important things to discuss" Priyanka said and also smirked at Ishan "accha so you are in his team then Shahid Bhai in on mine" Ishan said and looked at Shahid who nodded and stood beside Ishan "say that one more time Shubman then see what happens" Shahid said and looked at Shubman who looked here and there to avoid Shahid's gaze

After all this the Gill's when to there house because it was already night time and here Ishan is sitting with his sketch book and trying to sketch something for Priyanka because Ishan wants to design Priyanka's wedding lehenga

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