꒐ꉔꏂ ꉔꋪꏂꋬꂵ 🍦

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Background Knowledge: 🍦

Felix and Changbin go out and get ice cream, and well... yeah.

Ship: ChangLix

⚠️ smut 🔞




"Changbinnie~ can we get some ice cream? I'm hungry." Felix asked, rolling around on the fluffy pink carpet in Changbin's studio.

Changbin agreed, "Sure baby, wanna go now?" he asked, taking his headphones off. 

"Yay!" Felix cheered, hopping around like a cute bunny. Changbin smiled at his cute boyfriend. 

"C'mon baby let's go; I need to get back to work soon, okay?" Changbin said, taking Felix's hand in his own and leading the younger out of the room. Felix nodded.

Changbin and Felix quickly walked to the convenience store down the road and picked up some vanilla ice cream and head back to the studio.

Felix innocently opened his ice cream and put it in his mouth. Changbin's eyes darted between Felix's mouth. He nervously swallowed, 'No dirty thoughts Bin. That's your baby, he's only eating ice cream.'

Felix looked at Changbin and tilted his head, to ask why he'd stopped in the middle of the road. 

Changbin cleared his throat, "Uhm, Felix. Actually, it's nothing." he muttered. Felix shrugged cutely. 

"L-let's just go." 




"Changbinnnnn!" Felix whined, dragging out the 'n', Changbin sighed and turned to face Felix, not expecting so see the younger with ice cream all around his face. 

"Felix how? You know what. Ugh..." Changbin sputtered, shocked. He picked up a towelette and started wiping down Felix's face. As the towelette neared Felix's mouth though, Changbin didn't know what clicked in him but he through the measly paper away and grabbed Felix's jaw with one hand. Felix's eyes became as wide as saucers as Changbin's face came closer to his. 

"B-binnie? What are you doing? -" Felix gasped as Changbin licked the corners of his mouth, taking the ice cream off his face. Felix fell back a little, still stunned, but Changbin wasted no time kissing Felix again. caressing the youngers face and kissing him passionately. Taste of ice cream still lingered in his mouth. 

"You taste good." Changbin whispered in Felix's now red ear. Felix bit his lip and blushed harder, hitting Changbin's chest with his fists. 

"Feisty, are we?" Changbin asked, licking his lips. Felix narrowed his eyes at Changbin.

"Shut up you horny child." Felix retorted, folding his arms. Changbin pushed his lover onto the bed. 

"We'll see you keep the attitude, bet it won't last baby." He growled. Felix looked away as he felt aroused. 

Changbin took his pants off and tossed them aside, "Suck." He ordered; Felix obeyed. Slowly wrapping his lips onto Changbin's now hardened erection.

"See? Such a good baby."

"Fuck Lix, just like that baby, you're doing great." Changbin said as Felix bobbed his head up and down slowly, swirling his tongue around the tip and kissing it occasionally. Changbin groaned, resisting the urge to thrust into Felix, fearing it would hurt his baby. 

"L-lix, c-can I fuck your mouth?" Changbin asked, Felix freed his mouth with a small 'pop' sound and nodded, making eye contact with Changbin as he licked his swollen, red lips. Changbin smirked and thrusted into Felix's mouth all at once, startling the Australian, who responded with a loud moan.

Felix moaned louder as Changbin got rougher with his repeated thrusting and slowly stroked himself, matching Changbin's rhythm. The pair got closer to their climax's and Changbin's movements got slower as he prepared to release. 

"Inside or out?" He asked Felix who kept Changbin inside his mouth, prepared to swallow. Changbin hummed and released in Felix's mouth as Felix came on the pink carpet. The Aussie swallowed, maintaining eye-contact with Changbin who smirked.

"Changbin then picked Felix bridal style, "Okay baby, I know it might be a little hard for you to talk right now, so all you need to do is nod or shake your head, okay? I'm gonna make some warm tea for you." Changbin said, kissing Felix on the crown of his head. The boy nodded, smiling happily. 

Changbin smiled back, placing him in the bathtub and ran some warm water. After I get your tea, we'll take a bubble bath?" He asked the younger, who nodded again.

"Okay baby, I'll be right back." Changbin hummed, leaving the room to make tea for his baby. 

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Hey honeybuns! Hope you enjoyed this oneshot!

Again, with the smut. I need to get my shit together. Also, I'm sorry cause this is so short???

Anyway, I have a request for SeungSung smut next :)

I apologize for the incomplete smut every time. I get the giggles every time I try to write it. :(

Don't hesitate to request any ships if you'd like! 😄

~ ·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ 𝒮𝓊𝓈𝑀𝒾 ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·

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