꒐ꋊ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꂵ꒐ꋪꋪꄲꋪ 🪞

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Background Info: Minho can see Hannie through a mirror, but Jisung doesn't know he exists,

Genre: Angst (I'm sorry)

Ship: MinSung (Srsly, I needed something other than smut for these two.)

TW: Self harm, Suicide

"He's pretty..."
"Everything he does is pretty."

Minho looked at the clear glass panel, separating him from the pretty boy, who leaned ever closer, to stare at his reflection it seems

Likely why he didn't respond when Minho waved at him. Because Minho doesn't exist does he? Only in the world of the mirror, the barren white walls, plain and desolate, like his heart.

Until he met Jisung... rather, saw Jisung.

How could such an ethereal person exist?

He was lovely and talented. When he sang in the shower, Minho could listen for hours. When he came out to change... He couldn't help but stare... The boy's wet hair, slender body glistening with sheen from the water.

Everyday Jisung did something in front of his mirror, sometimes he'd make funny faces in front of it, act out a scene from a k drama? He'd rap infront of it, he was an amazing rapper to Minho. Hell Minho was sure that Jisung was famous.

But no... Jisung was a school boy.

Minho thought Jisung was happy.
Minho thought Jisung was fine.
Minho thought Jisung was okay.
Minho thought Jisung was joking around.

That's what he did wrong... Minho assumed. Stupid of Minho. Stupid Minho....

"Jisungie!" Minho exclaimed like the other man could respond to him. He pressed his face on the glass panel and smiled like an idiot at the puffy cheeked boy.

Jisung looked up at the mirror, tear stains on his face, he had bruises on his arms, his lip was bleeding.

Minho frowned.

What's going on?

"Everything's okay..." He heard Jisung say

But Jisung lied.
Jisung lied every day since then.

"It's okay."
"It'll be okay."
"They love you... It'll get better."

Jisung looked up at the mirror again, Minho tearing up as he saw how disheveled the boy was getting.

One day, Jisung stormed into the bathroom, looking pissed, but crying.

"I fucking hate him. Ugh!"  The boy yelled, "I ruined it all! God why couldn't I keep my mouth shut?!" He sobbed.

Jisung searched through drawers in his bathroom until he found his shaving blades.

He quickly took one out and held it against his forearm.

Minho laughed, pressing his hands against the panel, "What are you doing?" He asked, as if Jisung would respond.

"Jisung no!" Minho screamed against the panel, banging the glass with his fists. "Don't do that! You're hurting yourself!"  He pleaded, watching helplessly as blood spilled onto the floor.

Jisung stared at the blood for a moment too... Before washing the wounds quickly and wiping down the floor. He quickly changed into a long sleeved night shirt and left the bathroom, turning the lights off.

Minho bit his thumb like a maniac, worried for Jisung.

The cutting
The blood
The tears
Went on for months
Not a day without bloodshed
Nor a day that Minho didn't worry

"Jisung... Please." Minho said desperately against the glass, "Don't do this." 

His argument was pathetic, trying to make a change in someone's life? You don't exist to them.

One day... It all felt different, Jisung came into the bathroom with a calm face. The door closed ever so softly, with a click.

Jisung picked up the blade again, but he held it over his wrist.

Minho's eyes widened as he rammed himself against the glass in a panic, "JISUNG NO! FUCK! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" Minho screamed, tears streaming down his face as the blade neared Jisung's wrist by the second.

Jisung looked up at the mirror and smiled at his reflection. "Look what you've become, Han Jisung..." He whispered, before slitting his wrist.

Jisung tried to act like it didn't hurt, he tried to pretend it was fine... It didn't hurt compared to what he was going through on the daily.

Minho watched in horror as Jisung sunk to the floor, blood forming a river on the floor as Jisung lost color from his face.

A small smile appearing on those puffy cheeks as his eyes fluttered shut.

"Who are you?"

"Jisung?!" Minho gasped, running towards the boy, now dressed in all white and in the same white room as Minho.

"Jisung is it really you?! Oh my God. You're okay! You're alright!" The man exclaimed, enveloping Jisung in a tight hug.

"Excuse me? Do I know you?" Jisung asked Minho. The look on the elder's face changing to one of shock and concern as he noticed how Jisung could see and touch him.

"Are you... Lee Minho? The previous resident of this place? You killed yourself in this very bathroom right?" Jisung asked somlemly as he saw his parents rush to his dead body from the broken open door of the bathroom from the mirror.

Minho nodded, "Yeah... I am."





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Hey honeybuns! Hope you enjoyed this oneshot!

It's 2 Am rn, just wrote a second os for the fun of it!! Anyways, I lly.

This one kinda sucked tbh :(

Don't hesitate to request any ships if you'd like! 😄

~ ·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ 𝒮𝓊𝓈𝑀𝒾 ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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