ꋊꄲ꓄ ꋬ꓄ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꄲꊰꊰ꒐ꉔꏂ ❗ (3)

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Background Info: Don't you guys just love me so much >:)

Ship: SeungJin (They are in a secret relationship, okay? This is def consensual I promise.)

Genre: 🪄 Smut 🔞(⋆˚࿔ 𝐢 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚 ! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆)


Seungmin sighed, "Ugh those two... you'd think Minho and Jisung would be the ones doing something like this." 

He walked to the coffee maker to make himself some. How he needed a pick-me up. He put on headphones and bobbed his head up and down to the song while waiting for the coffee to be done. Without knowing he began to do the choreo too, lost in the lyrics.

Suddenly he felt himself bump into someone, more precisely, his back was flush against someone's front side. Overtaken with embarrassment Seungmin whirled around and pulled his headphones off, he was face to face with his colleague, Soobin, who looked equally embarrassed and awkward. 

"Uh... Mr. Kim-"

"Mr. Choi- I- I'm so sorry- I- didn't- m-mean to I-" Seungmin rambled, covering his neon pink face. Soobin let out an awkward chuckle, "Eheh- uh you're alright... uhm that's alright, it's not your fault-"

"But I really am sorry." Seungmin whispered, looking down in shame. Soobin smiled, "It's alright, and... I think your coffee is ready too." He pointed out; Seungmin ran to the coffee machine and picked up his coffee cup. "G-goodbye."

"Bye!" Soobin said with a small smile.


OH MY GOSH THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING!! Seungmin thought, smacking his forehead. He quickly ran to his office and sat down to work.

A few hours later, he was interrupted by a small knock on his door. "Come in~" He hummed, still typing away on his keyboard.

"Hi Minnie!!" Felix exclaimed; he entered the room sheepishly. The door closed behind him with a soft clack.

"Uh... so about me and Chang–"

"My mouth is shut." Seungmin replied, rolling his eyes at Felix's wide smile. "REALLY?? OH, THANK YOU MINNIE, I LOVE YOU!"

Seungmin couldn't help but smile at Felix's cuteness and let out a small giggle. "Alright alright..."

"So... about Soobin." The Australian proceeded to say teasingly, "You into him or what?"

The puppy boy almost choked on his coffee, "WhAt? nO! He's c-cute and all, but I think he's taken." He muttered, managing to regain his calmness.

"Uh huh." Felix crooned, shooting the younger man a mischievous look. "Bet you wish he wasn't~"

"Shut up Felix." Seungmin rebuked, crossing his arms in dismay. Felix raised his hands in surrender. "Yes sir, Mr. Kim sir!"

"But you know, I can still ask around about-"

"Get out!" Seungmin whined, embarrassed. Felix shrugged, "Offer always stands Minnie." He said, leaving the room.

"Aish this boy..." The boy sighed, rubbing circles near his temple.

The door was knocked again. What now??? Seungmin thought in annoyance.

"Come in." He grumbled, staring at the door. In walked a tall man with blonde hair, and he wore a smirk on his face. His tie loose and messy, quite unprofessional if you ask Seungmin.

"What's all this about Mr. Choi I hear?" Hyunjin asked, welcoming himself to sit in the chair in front of Seungmin's desk and crossing his hands. Trying to act nonchalant but really, he was burning with jealousy... Seungmin was his. It didn't matter if anyone else knew of their relationship or not. 

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