꓄ꏂꂵꉣ꓄ꋬ꓄꒐ꄲꋊ 🍀

441 8 16

Background info: 🍀Minho is quite the studious person, many attempts have been made to seduce him by female succubae but to no avail, finally, Jisung gets his eyes on him. As the star Incubus can Jisung succeed in seducing Minho? 

Genre: ⚠️Smut🔞(Well duh)

Ship: MinSung (These two again...) 🙄





Minho quietly studied his notes from his lecture earlier, dozing off randomly but waking up. For some reason, for the past few weeks, every where he went he saw a girl that was extremley underdressed for Seoul weather. Every time they approached him, he would turn them down nicely, but it got repetitive, and his answers, ruder.


He heard a tap on his glass, alarmed he whirled around his his chair and looked right at the window. There was a boy, on his windowsill, knocking his window. He was dressed in a short bodycon one piece, his horns were a shade of crimson, and his tail was curiously waving behind him.

Minho got up and opened his window, normally he would ignore the urge, but there was something about him he couldn't ignore.

The incubus hopped in his room, dusting off his clothes and straightening his hair. Now, Minho got a better look at the squirrel's slutty outfit.

A black one piece, with thin fishnet fabric at the hips, outlining his slim waist, a heart cutout clearly showing his collar bone, thigh high tights with black lace trim. He ran his hands through his curly brown hair, smiling at him.


"Hi?" Minho sputtered, heat rising to his face as the demon checked him out.

"I think you already know what's happening?" His honey smooth voice was meant to break every mental barrier Minho had built against his temptations. Minho shook his head, "I-I don't. Who are you?"

"I'm an incubus. Ever heard of them?"

A lightbulb in Minho's head went off immediately, "I- incubus like- the... the ones that seduce men to sleep with them?"

"Good, you must be that one nerd that all my girlies are complaining about." Jisung smacked his lips together, crossing his hands.

Minho blushed, looked away, and felt embarrassed when he heard the demon speaking."Er... I uh...uhm. I guess so."

"You're gay aren't you?" He asked, slinking closer and tracing circles on Minho's shirt. Minho choked on his breath, nodding, the younger had him in a bind. His scent was intoxicating, no matter how far he tried to run away, he was always lead back.


"Took em long enough to send me." He sassed, flipping his hair. Minho laughed at the sight, this boy quickly made his way into his heart.

"But... What about STD's?"

Jisung looked him dead in the eyes, "Gross. I have standards."

"But you're-" Minho continued.

"A succubus? I know, but I don't just fuck anyone." Jisung completed.

"So no old men?" Minho asked, now teasingly.

"I will literally leave out the window I came in." The demon threatened, pouting.

Minho shrugged, "Up to you I suppose. Make it quick, I have to go study."

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