no problem

13 0 0

3rd person

After explaining, james sighs and looks back at his phone. He realizes it wasn't plugged in right, so it wasn't charging.

"fuck." He mumbles. He plugs it in at the right position and watches the group as they stare at him. An awkward silence fills the room, no one is sure what to say or how to react.

"Are you fucking okay?" Ran says, raising an eyebrow. They, as well as the others, were worried. James low-key kind of looked like a mess. Plus, that is pretty traumatic. Being taken out of your home? Being put into a whole other country? The person who kidnapped the man didn't even know if anyone would be there for him! They put him in a terrible situation, and though it probably seems comical in hindsight, it is still not good at all in this very moment.

"Yeah..? I think." James hesitates before answering. He trusted these people but he didn't know what they could even do for him. It would be asking way too much for them to drive from California to New York. He didn't have money for a plane or anything.

"Okay. So, what I think should happen, is James, take a shower. Probably a cold one. It is a nice shower, good pressure, and good products." Snifferish begins. The others nod about the shower, backing them up. Sniff didn't know James, they shared a similar-ish friend group, but they had never engaged in a full conversation with one another. However, Sniff was a caring person who is always willing to give great advice and help people who need it. At this moment, james was the one who needed it.

"Alright," James agrees, holding down the power button on his phone so that it would turn on. It was at 1%. It was best that he let it charge.

"After that, we, as a group, walk downtown and go to this restaurant that I've been eyeing the whole time that we were here. James to do like sushi?" Sniff says, earning a groan from someone in the room. Sniff had been non-stop talking about this sushi place since they started planning this trip. This was months ago.

"Yeah, I do," James replies looking up at Sniff with a bit of a confused look on his face.

"What does this have to do with James' situation?" Aimsey says, not in a rude tone because he is genuinely curious.

"I think we should discuss this situation at the restaurant. We cant leave because we have a video to film. We film in 2 days. James, when do you have to be there?" Sniff says, then turning his attention to the man on the floor.

"30 days," James replies, very clueless and confused about how that is relevant.

"Alright. I say we discuss this over sushi in abouttt, an hour?" They say, looking around the room for approval, being met with a bunch of nods. As well as James' own.  "Alright, there are towels in the bathroom for after your shower. Do you have any extra clothes they gave you?"

"No, I don't. Eugh do I have to be in this for 30 days???" He says, realizing how bad this situation gets as more time goes on. It was a plain white T-shirt with black jeans and a belt, his normal attire. He notices dust from the snack he ate earlier and quickly dusts it off himself. (So do they have Cheeze-its in the UK?? I think I saw somewhere that they don't and I feel stupid cause I feel like James wouldn't just pick up some random snacks that he hasn't even heard of before. 💀💀)

"No.  You don't. Though I don't think any of us are your size, we will find a way to make it work. I'm sure of it." Aimsey says. James makes a fake offended face and opens his mouth to talk. "James that was not me fat shaming you." They chuckle and James' face softens. Humor is the best coping mechanism. (real.) "Now get in the shower, you stink." They joke and make a fake disgusted face, the offended face going back to James' own. He sits up and dramatically flips his lack of hair.

"Fine." He walks over to the open door that is the bathroom. he turns around and peaks out to look at the group. "But really, thank you guys for this. you don't have to."

"No problem dude," Ranboo replies, smiling as james walks back into the bathroom and locks the door behind him.

A/N 777 words 🤯🤯 first update in a month 🤯 hope this was alright! I swear I will try an update more often. I love you, drink water, eat, please!!

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