2 - Sea Witches

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🦜 "I'm Still Standing" - Elton John

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🦜 "I'm Still Standing" - Elton John

~POV: Cora Sweetwater 👑🦀🌊~

"And...done! You look perfect, your highness."
Kaia says, smiling. I turn and look into the mirror. My reflection shows a young mer-lady who looks poised, confident, and strong.

"Thank you, Kaia! I don't know what I would do without you." I grin and grab both of her hands.

"You would probably show up with fishtail braids in your hair."

"Real funny..."


I gasp. "Gotta go now! Thanks again, Kaia!"
I turn and swim off with a flick of my tail.

"Good luck!" she calls out as I go out my bedroom door.


"Your majesty, the sea turtles are perfectly healthy again. That remedy really helped with the sickness spreading. I was worried that it would have long-lasting effects, but it seems we healed them just in time. Thank you."

A middle-aged merman with a burgundy tail sits across from my father. He is the royal caretaker for all of the sea life in Oceana.

"Of course, Sir Sheldon. Our alchemists and doctors are always working together to find more cures for diseases everyday. Now, what is next on the agenda?" my father smiles genuinely at Sheldon and looks to his royal adviser, Gordon.

"Sire, it is Madam Brooks. She is a local sea witch. She marked down her urgency as a level seven. It seems she has waited outside all morning. Unfortunately, I had to explain to her that only levels nine or ten get immediate attention." Gordon explains to my father.

"Let's see her, then." I say.

"Right away, your highness!" he scurries off to find the woman.

Father turns to me with a smile.
"You're doing very well, Cora. I am impressed."

I smile back and nod my head.

Suddenly, the doors burst open, and standing at them is a frantic old woman.

"Your majesties! The bad witches! It's them!" she yells out in a panicked voice.

"Madam Brooks, please, calm down and take a seat. What have the witches done?" Father says calmly.

She takes a deep breath and sits down. She is shaky and looks disturbed.

"Madam, please. What is the matter?" I ask with a concerned tone.

"I apologize. I am Greta Brooks. Your majesties, it's the evil sea witches. They have a plot! A deadly plot! They wish to overthrow you. They created a poison. It will be widespread and very harmful. They have already begun to brew large amounts of this poison. I came as quickly as I could!"

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