Shadow Walkers

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His sister was tied to a post. His sister was tied to a goddamn post! It was the last thing Finan expected to see as he entered the gates of Loidis, and seeing her slumped over with her head rolled to the side made his stomach drop with dread. Not even Uhtred could keep him calm or hold him back as he dismounted from his horse before it fully stopped and sprinted over to her. "Please, no." he panicked as he let out a stream of prayers under his breath as he dropped to his knees by her side. "Aestas?" Her name came out with a weak tremble as he cupped her cheek to slowly lift her head while his free hand cut her bindings. "Come on, Beastie. Wake up." he urged as Uhtred joined his side, equally as worried while Ragnar trailed behind, praying to his own gods no one had accidentally killed the girl.

Aestas woke with a groan to find all three men staring at her before she yawned, stretched, and wiped the sleep from her eyes. Her brother's face was plagued with worry, only to abruptly switch to confusion when she smiled and waved at not only him but Uhtred and Ragnar.

"That girl is the strangest creature I have ever met." Ragnar scoffed in disbelief.

Finan shook his head with a relieved chuckle before getting to his feet and offering his beastie a hand. "You were takin' a nap?" She merely shrugged in response as if such a decision were the obvious choice before taking his hand. "I'll kill the bastard who did this to ya." He swore as he urged her to point the man out, only to glare at Ragnar as Aestas pointed to the woman now in his arms. "Your woman tied my sister to a post!"

"How was I to know she was your sister?" Brida shot back defensively before Ragnar could offer any word in her defense. "She could've been one of Kjartan's spies or one of Alfred." She sneered in the Saxons' direction, "And she let herself get taken willingly." She accused, which gained the attention of all the men in attendance as they turned to Aestas in disbelief.

The tale of how Aestas found her way back into her brother's company was the highlight of their journey to Loidis. Finan boasted about her for hours, and it was also how Aethelwold, Father Beocca, and Alfred's man, Steapa, found out that she was not under anyone's command. A fact that made the three Saxon men uneasy, especially with Finan going on and on about her wild nature and ferocity in battle. Every man still couldn't fathom how one young woman could kill twelve men after being imprisoned for any number of months with little to no food or water.

"I always thought it was better to tie up a rabid dog than leave it to roam?" Athelwold spoke up with a self-amused grin.

Surely, Aethelwold didn't need all his fingers as Aestas took a single step towards the mouthy Saxon only to have her path blocked by her brother's arm. The single step was enough for Aethelwold to fumble with his weapon while Steapa's hand was far more ready for battle as he gripped the hilt of his sword with a stern glare of warning Aestas met with ease. The two Danes couldn't help but grin as they watched Aethelwold argue with Uhtred about Aestas while the girl in question easily backed off with a victorious smirk while Finan struggled to hide a shit-eating grin behind his hand.

"I understand everyone's distaste for Aethelwold, but taunting him will not help the situation between the Saxons and Danes." Father Beocca warned as he attempted to scold Aestas, but she seemed more like Uhtred and her brother than he had expected when she had merely ignored his scolding. "Just don't kill him." he sighed as they moved to follow Brida and Ragnar into the tavern once everyone had calmed down, and the threat of someone losing their fingers was less likely.

As soon as they entered, the room full of Danes grew silent as Ragnar stepped forward in awe of all the men who arrived. "What makes you think we are here for you?" Rollo questioned as the two stood toe to toe before breaking into smiles and embracing one another like old friends. They looked upon each other with pride until everyone turned their attention to Aestas as she pinned the Dane, who took her weapons, head to the table with a rather loud smack. "So the wildling is with you," Rollo noted, rather pleased the young woman was an ally, especially by how swiftly she pinned the boy to the table with the strength to pin him just by his head. "Good," he nodded with a pleased chuckle before Ragnar could worry. "I have no desire to have a cheese knife thrust into my skull."

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