What is this Thing Called Love

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Peyton Meyer is Grant Boyd (pictured above)

Chapter 2 ~ What is this Thing Called Love

Our eyes connected and instantly my stomach started turning.

"Hey, I'm Grant, it's a pleasure meeting you." Grant introduced himself.

"Hey, I'm Mahogany Adams, the pleasure is all mine." I smiled. 'Wait did I just say my last name!? He didn't even say his last name. What if he thinks I'm to pushy? Oh man now he probably hates me.' My thoughts were eating away at me as Tyler tried to carry on the conversation.

"So are you guys going to trade numbers or not?" Tyler eagerly asked.

"Well do you want too?" Grant turned his attention to me.

"Sure." I commented.

Grant handed me his phone, I dialed my number and saved it. Then Grant pressed the call button when I handed his phone back to him. I looked down at my phone and gave a small grin.

"Okay I'll text you later but I have to help Tyler get ready to race," Grant huffed.

"I can't wait," I gave a wide cheeky smile.

"Hey Tyler," I called, "Happy 18th birthday!"

Tyler turned and waved as a thank you.

As Tyler and Grant left I turned to Madison, she just stood there glaring at me with joy on her face.


"Dude Madison was so right about Mahogany, she's pretty and seems so cool. I think I might really like her once we hang out more," I said in a hushed tone so Mahogany couldn't hear me.

Tyler looked at me all confused, "You say that about every girl that you meet."

"But with her I felt something different, something that didn't feel like every other girl." I stated.

"Yeah whatever dude just help me get my kart to the starting line." The two guys bent down and started pushing the kart.




"Good luck out there, remember you're only 14 almost 15 so be safe. I'm gonna go sit back down. Thanks for introducing me to Grant!" I threw a thumbs up at Madison.

"Absolutely hope it all goes well, and thanks!" Madison yelled as I began to walk away as the engines started.

As I walked off I couldn't help but think about Grant. My mind kept rambling on and on about how his hair looked and how he wore his boots that made him look so country, it made me smile at the ground. What is this feeling that I'm getting in my stomach and in my heart. I didn't even know what this thing called love was and here I am smiling for no reason. Suddenly everything made sense.

I made my way back to Jasmine and we sat side by side on the cold, metal bleachers, as I explained everything to her. Time flew by as the races were coming to an end I finally finished every last detail of my story.

I couldn't stop smiling and thinking about Grant, the flag guy started waving the checkered flag. The cars exited the track and over the speakers came a loud and blurry song, "Happy Trails to You" rang in my ears.

I grabbed my bag and started stepping down the stairs. Jasmine lead the way through the crowd to her Jeep. We had unlocked the doors when we heard this loud and annoying honk.

As I turned my head I seen Madison and Tyler making their way through the crowd of vehicles. Grant was in the back seat of the Ford, four door, black truck. My hands began getting sweaty, my heart started pounding. I was nervous and I didn't know why.

"Hey we'll see y'all later, bye!" Tyler yelled as Grant winked at me.

I turned back to the Jeep as Jasmine was already in the vehicle waiting on me to get in.

"So that's the boy you have been talking about!" Jasmine squealed. "Mags he was sooo cute."

"I know right and I like got so nervous when I saw him!" I bounced with excitement.

Jasmine started her Jeep and began driving out of the parking lot onto the dirt road, as we continued talking about boys.

"Maybe he will be your first boyfriend!" Jay spoke loudly.

"Maybe but, did you really have to brings that up? It's kind of embarrassing being 15 and still haven't had one boyfriend or even my first kiss." I exclaimed.

"Maybe you'll get lucky!" Jay hoped.

I stared off into the stars, thinking about how different my life would be with a boyfriend. Jasmine turned on the radio and starting singing which brought me out of my thoughts.

"Nah, nah, honey I'm good, I could have another one, but I probably shouldn't..." The radio busted out word after word.

I flung my hand forward to the volume nob and rolled up my window so my hair would stop blowing all over my face. I was finally so happy. It was a different kind of happy like not an I get to get ice cream kind of happy, but a happy that I've never felt before.

"Hey let's call Sierra to come over to celebrate with us! She does live like two doors away from you." Jay spoke calmly.

"Okay sounds great besides I do have like five tubs of ice cream in my freezer. We could order pizza and bake cookies!" I began to tingle with joy.

We rushed home and immediately hopped out of the Jeep, we ran up the stairs to the 3rd floor. We beated and banged on Sierra's door when she finally answered in her pajamas. We forced her out of her house and into my apartment. Of course we made sure her parents didn't care first!

I walked to my counter and read the note from Bella, "Mom and dad deposited the money early so I'm out shopping and partying with my 50% of the money. Your money is in the envelope by the sink. Have fun and don't spend your money all at one place. Anyway who cares don't wait up for me because this 18 year old is about to turn up. P.s. I probably won't even come home. Later Tater!! XOXO Bella."

"Looks like the house is all ours this weekend ladies!" I squealed as we all gathered in a circle and begin picking out a movie before we started gossiping.

I suddenly realized how my parents will probably not even care enough to meet my first boyfriend.

AUTHORS NOTE - How are you guys liking this book so far? Please let me know!

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