Maybe He Really is a Gentleman

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Chapter 6 ~ Maybe He Really is a Gentleman


(Enjoy the picture of Mahogany!)


He pulled into my drive way and opened his door.

"What are you doing?" I was confused.

"Walking you to the door, like a gentleman." He stated.

I grabbed my clothes from the floorboard, as Grant opened my door.  I was kind of shocked that he would even walk me to the door, but I was okay with it. Or at least I thought I was okay with it.

I stepped out of his truck and grabbed his hand. He led me to my door, I released his hand to unlocked the door. Before I pushed it opened, I paused and turned to him.

"So thanks for taking me on our first date and for taking care of me. I really appreciate it." I smirked at Grant.

"I can do better, I promise. I'm so sorry." Grant looked into my eyes.

"You saved me. You're basically my hero. Call me when you get home, so I know you're safe." I opened my door and turned to him.

He picked me up, my legs immediately wrapped around his waist. He squeezed me really tight, then he gave me a really good and long good night kiss. He let me down and I smiled sweetly and went inside.

As I shut the door I could hear Grant outside the door cussing himself. I laid my forehead against the door and regretted not asking him to come.

I took a quick shower and hurried to bed. I plugged my phone into the charger, checking to see if Grant had called yet, but he hasn't. I slowly drifted away into sleep as my dreams turned into nightmares about what could have happened.

I laid in bed with my eyes starring at the ceiling, my thoughts wondered and I couldn't sleep. I called Grant.
It was almost 2a.m., but he answered!

"Grant?" I asked.

"Yeah baby girl, what's the matter?" His voice was raspy. It was a precious morning voice, I could tell he was asleep when I called.

"I'm sorry for waking you. You can go back to bed." I Hesitated.

"No you need me and so I'm here."He was so sweet to me.

We talked, I told him about the nightmares and he insisted on coming over, but his mom would kill him and I like him alive. Instead of sneaking out he lied. He wrote a note and placed it by the fridge. His mom's out of town on a business meeting, but she'll be home tomorrow. He wrote saying he was staying at Sam's for the night and he will see her tomorrow evening.

We hung up the phone and he was on his way to my apartment. It wasn't a good idea for him to lie to his mom, especially with him being the only child.

It was about 2:45 a.m. when I got a text from Grant. I quietly went down the hall and into the livingroom to the front door. Grant was waiting for me to open the door, he had his bag and a pillow. I opened the door and he came in. I directed him to my room and he laid his bag down by my closet. He threw the pillow on my queen sized bed.

"I'm really sorry that you are having nightmares of everything." Grant hugged me.

I pulled away to shut my door. I plugged in my Christmas lights and turned off my main light.

"Honestly I accept your apology, but right now all I want to do is cuddle with you." I laid down in my bed.

I moved the blankets up so Grant could slide in bed beside me. He took off his blue polo shirt and replaced it with a plan white shirt. He took off his jeans and put on basketball shorts, I turned away so he could change. It was a respect thing. He got comfortable and unplugged the Christmas lights. He held me tight in the dark room. He played with my hair as I laid on his chest. I could feel his ab outline through his thin shirt. He made me feel safe. We shared a blanket and I put my cold feet on his warm, yet muscular legs. I slowly closed my eyes as he rubbed my back and played with my hair.

It was almost 4:00 in the morning when I heard the front door slam. I heard four feet walking toward the hallway.

Grant nudged me,"It's okay baby. Go back to sleep." Well because of Bella and her date in the next room it was hard to get any sleep. I dug my head into Grants chest and sleep took over my exhausted body.

The next morning I woke up to Bella screaming, "Anthony you weren't even worth my time." Grants grasp tightened on my back. He pulled me in closer.

They argued for what seemed like forever especially since it was 7 am on a Sunday morning. I just closed my eyes and listened to Grants heart beat.


I woke up and Grant was gone. It was only 9a.m. and he didn't have to be home until evening. All of a sudden I heard my door crack open and there he was. He was holding a box of donuts and two bottles of chocolate milk. I couldn't fall for him. The only guy I've ever had in life was my dad and he left me. I don't know how to react to Grant. He is standing at the foot of my bed with a cheesy grin. I tap the bed signaling for him to come sit beside me. He plugged in my Christmas lights and placed the box on my bed. He handed me the chocolate milk so he could fix two pillows on the edge of the bed. I slid my back to the pillow and Grant landed on my bed with a thud. The box caught some air and came right back down.

I tried to open my milk before Grant talked to me, I had awful morning breathe and I could feel it.

"Good morning sweetheart." Grant smiled at me.

I couldn't get the lid off so I just gave him a cheeky grin. He saw me struggling so he grabbed the bottle from me and twisted the cap off. His muscle popped and I caught myself starring deeply at his chest. He handed me the milk and I took a quick swig. I sat the drink on my headboard and placed my hand on Grants chest. His abs were showing through his white sleep shirt. His Khaki shorts hugged his thighs and made my heart race. I moved the box of donuts to my headboard and Grant just stared into my eyes. His legs were spread across my bed and his back was still laid against the pillow he had set up. I moved over onto my knees, still making eye contact with Grant. I moved in between his legs now.

I placed one arm on his shoulder and one arm on his neck. He shoved me on my back and laid on top of me. He began kissing my neck and I didn't stop him I wanted him to keep kissing me. His hands traveled up and down my body. Our lips connected, but he pulled away.

"Breakfast first babe, you need energy." He smirked.

Maybe he really is a gentleman. I underestimated him. I came to a conclusion to quickly. He deserves a chance and that's what I'm going to give him.

He just smile and glared into my eyes. I swear I can stare into his eyes forever they're deep hazel. I could feel that this was going to be a great summer.

                        -XOXO AC

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