ch11 the future vision!!

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they continue to look for elspeth and mr beast
they need clues on where the worker could be

they have no ideas....
until suddslsny...
the wierd nark has. a vision....
but he can't let the others know.
he musst lie.

"are you okay??" asks the meth addict
"yes..i'm fine" says the weird nark
"what happened?" the absent father asks

""i have an idea""
"omgggg shareeee! spill the tea queen" -meth addict and absent father both says in unison

"one of us should check the alleyway wheee we find the witch, and someone should check the chinese restaurant where we took the workers from!"

the absent father tells him "omggg that's such a good idea ur so smart!"

"yes ikr ill check the alleyway" -meth addict
the absent father says "ok hehe ill check the restaurant."

"i will stay on cams! hshhe" -weird nark

bill nye the sniffing nark Where stories live. Discover now