2) Change

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Veneer's pov

It's been 2 months ever since Velvet kidnapped the poor troll. And over those 2 months, we have gained popularity, and money, because of the songs we made. We moved out of our apartment and Velvet bought a new house. I felt guilty for using the money we earned from her abusing a troll, but I felt too afraid to speak up to her about it. Other than that, our life has gone uphill. It was nice seeing my efforts go well, because I was the one writing the songs, designing our outfits, editing our recordings, and was basically doing everything. I was actually truly happy! Well, except for the fact that my sister was cheating her way to fame and also that I was only treated like a backup. Velvet took the spotlight while I was only like her sidekick. It kinda hurts me but..thats what younger siblings do right? Letting their older sibling enjoy, because you love them. I just love my sister a lot, and I know she loves me too. Right?...right.

She makes me cry sometimes, no. most of the time. She forces me to do things I don't want to. When she doesn't like the songs I write, she makes me do it again. When she doesn't like the designs I make, she tears them apart. She makes me changes lyrics and parts to make it hers and it was just so much that it was like her own song. We were supposed to be a duo...that's what we agreed on when we were kids.

I don't even understand why did she have to kidnap and torture a troll only for her own pleasure, and force me to co-operate with her in doing so. One time, she sprayed the essence into my mouth without permission, I was breaking down in tears because I promised myself that I wont ever use it, not even once. I don't want to use him for his essence, I mean, I don't need it to help me with singing. I loved to sing ever since I was a kid. But one time, she heard me and she was envious of me that she begged our parents to ban me from singing around her. Because unlike her, I had my own talent. No matter how much efforts she put in attempt to sing, she always failed. But she is good at other things, like drama plays at our elementary school. She always wanted to be bathed in attention and praise.

I was snapped out of my trance when Velvet barged into my room with the perfume bottle in her hand. "Here take it." She threw it into my hand "I'm FED UP with it's stupid whining. I have better things to do than take care of that little shit." She went out the door "Do whatever you want to it just don't let it escape or I'll make you regret it." she glared at me then closed the door, loudly.

I stared at the little troll in my hands, and I noticed that he looked pretty pale, which made me concerned. I placed him on my vanity as I went through my cupboard searching for candies. I had them kept here because I had a sweet tooth. I found a bag of skittles and opened them. I unscrewed the cap of the perfume bottle, poured in some of it then put it back on. "Here you go little buddy, I know trolls like sweet sugary stuff so..I hope you enjoy it" I said with a smile on my face. He looked at me and the candies that were around him. "Oh! Don't worry it-it Isn't poisoned...I don't have a bad intention, like my sister..." I murmured the last part but I think he heard it because he raised an eyebrow and nodded. He picked up a skittle and smelled it, checking if it was okay, then started nibbling on it. Aww, he's so cute!

"Thanks..." he said, still eating "You're welcome!" I replied. And as soon before I knew it, he ate it all. Woah he must be very hungry! But then it hit me. "Wait...was Velvet not feeding you?..." he only nodded in response and turned to the other side. I was very sad, and mad at my sister. But I calmed down, wanting to start a conversation with him, because...I DONT EVEN KNOW HIS NAME!!

"Well, um..." I started, "if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" He faced me again and it seemed like he hesitated before answering. "My name is Floyd..." ohhh! "It's nice to meet you Floyd!" "Couldn't say the same" I stopped, seeing that this would just be awkward. I have a feeling that he hates me, I mean, who wouldn't hate anyone related to their kidnapper. I stood up and went to the bathroom, but when I came back, FLOYD WAS GONE! Oh God...Velvet's gonna kill me!

I could hear something rumbling until I saw that Floyd was sneaking out of my room, rolling in the bottle. Wow, that's pretty impressive, not gonna lie. But then I came back to my senses."FLOYD!" I shouted, I could see he got goosebumps and started to run away as I try to catch up to him as fast as I could, good lord, he's so fast!

I chased him down the hallway and slipped on some wet floor that the janitor was cleaning, I fell on my back and slided, that pretty hurt but it was kinda worth it because I was faster than when I was running. When I was close enough to him I stretched out my hand until I could reach and grabbed the perfume bottle. "Aha! Gotcha!" I exclaimed, that was actually a pretty fun game of tag you're it for a sec!

"Please Veneer, just let me run past you! You can pretend you never saw me, it-it will be our little secret!" He pleaded me, and...I felt very, very bad... "I...I can't..." I struggled to get the words out of my mouth, almost just breathing them instead. "I know...Velvet would kill you" he sighed, great, now he's making the guilt eating me up even more... "But just because she's your sister doesn't mean you should let her treat you like garbage!" I could only stay silent, "Sibling or not, you deserve to be treated with kindness, and to be around people who never try to change the you that you are..." those words echoed through my head. I slowly got up and walked towards my room without talking or looking at the troll that was in my hands...

"But just because she's your sister doesn't mean you should let her treat you like garbage! Sibling or not, you deserve to be treated with kindness, and to be around people who never try to change the you that you are..."

Maybe I really should try to start being myself, and not some puppet that my sister likes to take advantage of.

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