9) Veneer's Parents

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Veneer pov

"Where exactly are we going?" Floyd asked while I was packing a pair of clothes. I didn't have to bring a lot of stuff since we're only staying at my parents house for the day and maybe overnight. But I had to be quick so we could leave before the sun rises and Velvet wakes up."You'll see" I picked up the perfume bottle and put him in my backpack, "I'll put you in here for the meantime, someone might see you or the cctv's might catch us" I said before closing it and headed out of my room.

I quietly crept to the door, hoping that I won't make any noise. "Mr. Veneer?" Shit. I turned around and saw Crimp standing in front of me. "Shh" I gestured, putting my finger to my lips "I'm going somewhere, please don't tell Velvet" she mouthed an 'ohh' and nodded. I sighed and went out the door.

I went to the elevators, pressing the basement button when I came in.  After I reached the basement I went to my car and unlocked it, going inside. I unzipped my bag, getting Floyd out of it and let him out of the bottle. I put him on the passenger's seat beside me, putting on the seatbelt for him. It's pretty big for him but it was good enough to help him be kept in place. "I didn't know you could drive" he said, "Hmm, yeah, it's going to take a good less than 30 minutes to go there so I decided to drive instead of walk." He hummed in response. I started the car and drove out, "and, it's actually not that far away, but it just takes longer because it's at the foot of the mountain."

The drive was pretty quiet despite the noisy cars beeping at each other on the road. I decided to turn on the radio to hear what's on the news. "Superstars Velvet and Veneer's newly released single, Watch Me Work, has gone on a streak to be on top1of the music charts!"

"Oh..." I sighed as they started to play the song I wrote, this was the least thing I wanted to hear right now. I totally forgot that me and my sister were the trending topics right now. "You know, I think you deserve more credit, for, uhm, writing those songs, do they even know that you were the one who wrote them?" "I...I don't think so, but I'm sure that Velvet is the one who's claiming it." "That's not fair, you're the one who's working hard on it!" "It's fine, I'm used to it. She kept doing these back in our school years when she would steal my projects and presentation ideas and claim them as hers. I didn't speak up about it and I just let it be so that there will be no issue" "That's not right Veneer, you have to stand up for yourself, otherwise people would always take advantage of you. I'm surprised you haven't realized it yet by now," "Haha, I know I know, you're acting like my mom right now" I laughed awkwardly, trying to change the subject."I'm serious Veneer..." I stayed silent for a while, trying to focus on the road, "...but you do see what happens when I defend myself, it just causes trouble...I don't wanna be a burden..." I sighed.

The rest of the way continued to be quiet. I'd take a glance or two of Floyd looking out the window, watching the trees we pass by. He looked sad, and I noticed that he's starting to get dull and off. I'm getting worried for him.

I could see my parents house in the distance, I felt the nostalgia as we approached it. This was the home me and Velvet grew up in. She called this place a dumpster, but this was my comfort place. That's why it hurt me a lot when she forced me to move to the top of the mountain where the big city was. She wanted to leave all the memories of our old life behind. 'Were starting a new life' she said, 'it will be worth it' she said. But I never felt the same happiness anymore.

Floyd pov

Veneer suddenly pulled up and I tried to look over the dashboard, but it was too high. "We're here!" He seemed excited for some reason as he went out of the car and took his stuff, then went to my door and opened it, picking me up.

When I got out, I saw a house painted in white and teal with 3 floors. He put me on his hand and walked towards the porch. "I hope they're home..." he murmured "what?" "Oh, uh, nothing..." he took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell twice.

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