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Floyd pov

Velvet and Veneer were performing at the Rage Dome, and it seems like the speakers were VERY loud because I could hear them singing Sweet Dreams all the way from over here. I was sitting down on the cold floor of the perfume bottle, leaning to the wall behind. I felt really drained because she sucked out a LOT of my essence for this one.

I was just drowning in my thoughts until I heard some noise from the ceiling. I looked up and I saw a troll with turquoise hair. Wait...A TROLL WITH TURQUOISE HAIR?!

I watched as he fell from the vents to the vanity's table, feeling overwhelming excitement all over me, it couldn't be!- "Yo! Floyd!" He got up and ran towards me, well the outer walls of the bottle. "John Dory?! I can't believe it!! I thought I'd never see any of my brothers again!!" I said, feeling my eyes tearing up of happiness"I'm gonna you out of here-" "Wait no!- YOU have to get out of here!! You don't understand, Veneer is okay because he's been taking care of me, but his sister, Velvet, is a giant, pop-obsessed succubi with no talent, and she's been stealing mine! And she'll be back any minute for more! John please, please just go before she gets you too!" "No! That's even worse than lip syncing! I'm not leaving you to these monsters! Not my brother, not today!" I could only sigh as he tried to break the bottle multiple times. "John, John! Stop! This bottle is made of diamond, and there's only one thing that's powerful enough to shatter diamond-" "Right! A diamond shattering diamond hammer! Where can we get one of those?" I facepalmed. "No, John. It's the perfect family harmony." "Ohh of course, the perfect family harmony!-"

We were cut off by incoming footsteps approaching the room, each step getting louder and louder. "Ugh! Our voices sounded like garbage! I was dying out there! What we need is more troll!" we could hear Velvet complain and I panicked "Run John Dory! Save yourself!" "Don't worry, Floyd! I'll be back with the bros! You have my word!" I heard his voice echoing as he pulled himself back up the vents. All I could only do was sigh and hope for the best.

I watched as the siblings entered the room, Velvet grabbed the bottle I was in and sprayed more of my essence on herself. "I'm gonna go to the lobby now to get ready for the interview Ven" Veneer just nodded in response. I sighed as she left, "I'm tired of this shit. I just want to live normally again." I bluntly said to the mount rageon in front of me. "I understand Floyd...I'm tired too, she doesn't understand how stressful this is for me. Trust me, I tried and tried to talk to her but no matter how much I tried, she won't listen to me..." I felt the pain in his voice as it was breaking. I went up to the walls as he brought me closer then I "hugged" him, "Don't worry Floyd, this will be over soon, I promise"

We were interrupted by a ringing female voice in the halls. "Veneer! Veneer! Come here!" "Coming!" He smiled at me before putting me back on the vanity then left.

Sorry this is a short one I just wanted to somehow insert the scene of JD's attempt to rescue Floyd. Trust me this will get better :)

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