6) Confessions

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Veneer pov

"Veneer?! I-I missed you!!"

A familiar male voice rang. "Dylan..." I bluntly said, dread and hate filling me up. "It-it's nice to see you again Veneer!! I missed you so much!! You're so popular now, I, uh, d-do you know I'm a big fan?!! You see, uhm, please forget about what I did to you in the past!! I really regret my actions!! I'm sorry Veneer please forgive me!!" The brown haired guy in front of me nervously said very loudly, which caught the attention of almost all of the customers, and even the staff. I stayed silent and I quickly walked out of the store, I lost my appetite after seeing that jerk.

"Veneer! Wait! Please!" He went out of the store and followed me, grabbing my hand when he got closer. "Let go of me you bastard!" I shouted at him angrily, shaking my hand off his. "Veneer please, let me explain!" I looked at him unamused, "What? There's nothing to explain Dylan. It was already clear enough for me to see!" "Veneer, I was just a teenager! I was peer pressured, I didn't want to-" "Oh yeah?! If you didn't want to do it then why did you still agree to do it anyway?! Dylan I was sincere with my feelings! I truly loved you, I did! But you took advantage of it!" "I'm sorry Veneer I'm sorry!! I-I regret what I did before, I changed now for the better, please forgive me! Please give me another chance!"

I felt kinda bad, there was a bit of a sick feeling of guilt in my gut. This is why I hate holding grudges against people. "Fine. I forgive you."

He started to smile but it looked kinda weird, I looked at him concerned. "Thank you Veneer!" he then paused for a bit. "I, uh, uhm...w-would you like to, er, start again?..." he blushed upon saying that, which made me feel kinda disgusted. "I'll treat you better this time, I promise! Please Veneer, just, just give me another chance..." I heard a quiet growl in my pockets, which I quickly put my hand in to pet the little troll to calm him down. "Sorry Dylan. I'm taken now..." I blushed at the false excuse I made, as I imagined myself being Floyd's boyfriend.

I had to push him away, he doesn't deserve me. I deserve someone better than him. I also had a feeling that he was going to use me for clout. And well, I'm way over him a long time ago. He started to cry, which made me giggle a bit. Dylan, the used-to-be-popular kid at school, who was always tough, crying for me? Oh how the tables turned.

"I'm gonna get going now Dylan, don't worry, you'll find the right person soon." I started to walk away from my now 'crying-like-a-baby' ex.

I headed towards the nearby forest, which was only less than 2 blocks away. I looked at Floyd, who was just chilling in my pocket. "Hey, about what happened earlier..." the little troll started, "who even was that guy?" "Oh, uh...he was Dylan, my ex...we dated in highschool..." I sighed at the memory. "Ohh okay...makes sense...well, was it true?" "What is true?" "That...you were...taken?..." I could feel there there was a bit of disappointment in his tone. Was he jealous?? I don't know, maybe I was just being delusional. "Hmmm...no, I know it sounded kinda weird, but it was the only way to get him off my back."

After a few minutes of walking we I got to the forest. I took Floyd out of my pocket and set him down on the lush green grass, with me sitting down too as I inhaled the fresh air.

I was bored and I don't have anything to do, but then I had an idea, "Floyd, do you wanna do stargazing?" the little guy smiled at me "Yeah sure!"

We lied down as we looked up to the night sky, which was filled with many bright stars, and the moon was a full moon shining beautifully.

"It's a long time since I've done this..." Floyd said, looking at me "I always liked to look at the stars when I was taking breaks from traveling" I hummed in agreement "And every time I do, it reminds me of my little brother, Branch. We liked to stargaze together in our free time, he would always make his own constellations out of the stars..." "Aww that's really cute, hehe, I almost forgot you had 4 brothers" I chuckled "Did you know, I was a BIG fan of you guys ever since I was a little kid? I always loved to sing your songs!" "No, really?" "Yeah really! I had merch and cds of you guys' albums, but well, they were left at our old house, with my dad. He's a big fan too!"

Floyd pov

"Woah, I never knew that..." I said, I never knew that we had fans outside troll village. John was the only one who was managing all our stuff.

I looked up at the sky saw a shooting star- "Veneer look! It's a shooting star!" I say, pointing at it as I was amazed, this was the first time I've ever saw one! I guess I could say that it was also his first time because he was as amazed as me. "Let's make a wish!" "Whatt???- I'm not a kid anymore!-" "Come onn!" "Fine..."

I closed my eyes and made a wish...I wish that I would meet all my brothers again, and we will all live happy together

I looked at Veneer, who still had his eyes closed. I wonder what was he wishing for?
He slowly opened his eyes, they looked so pretty like sapphires in the moonlight, with the moon beam falling on his face. He looked mesmerizing, like an angel. I couldn't help but blush at the sight, which was pretty gay of me.

"Done now," he started, "What did you wish for, Floyd?" "Hey! We're supposed to keep that a secret! Otherwise it won't come true..." "Oh, right"

We were in silence for a few minutes, staring at the sky and admiring its beauty. "Hey Floyd?..." "Yeah?"

"The moon and stars sure are beautiful, don't you think?..."

"They sure do!"

I looked at him and he seemed a bit disappointed. I was a little confused but then my face heated up when I realized...

Veneer...likes me...

There was an awkward moment of silence before I went up to him and sat on his chest, putting my face close to his... "Floyd?...what are you-" I cut him off with a kiss, not so long but it was tender and sweet. I could feel my heart beating very fast and my face was covered with a warm blush.

"I like you too Veneer..."

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