GvK: Part two

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In the middle of the Tasman sea, the sun rising, the team had continue voyage. Kong was having a good break, stuffing his face with piles of fish. A very happy smile on his face.

Y/n watched from the command center, a smile of his own.

Y/n: “he's growing on me”

A sudden vibration in y/n's head echoed. When he suddenly fell over, collapsing onto the ground.

When he woke, he stared at the angered eyes of Godzilla.

Y/n: “oh, now you answer me”

He is here

Y/n: “huh?”

The Kong has left home

Y/n: “uh.. about that-”

I've given him a chance. To stay on the island, and he would not have to face me

Y/n looked at Godzilla in awe. And a bit surprise.

But he is in my waters.. humans have brought him here

Y/n: “look big guy, we need to have a talk-”

I must finish off this titan. Then we shall talk

Y/n is then thrusted back into his own body. He looks around, seeing himself being sat up by the people around.

Y/n: “you.. you guys might wanna brace for impact.. Godzilla's on his way”

Almost immediately, the alarms were set off. Kong was trying his hardest to break free, as everyone was running around frantically.

Ilene: “Did we change course?”

Wilcox: “No. We’re nowhere near the areas the boy mentioned”

Nathan: “It looks like he’s coming for us anyway..”

Y/n: “he's not here for us.. or else he'd just give us a warning..”

Maia: “Him? Then dump him. Dump the monkey!”

Y/n: “I'd rather hand feed you to rodan”

Kong pulls the chains harder. Causing the ship to shake violently.

Ilene: “We have to release him”

Nathan: “If we lose Kong, the mission is over!”

Ilene: “He’s a sitting duck out there. We have to let him protect himself. And us”

Y/n: “if Godzilla wasn't so stuck in his own head, I would've given us more time!”

The weapons fire at the approaching Godzilla. But he dives down to avoid them. Not like they'd do anything anyways.

Y/n: “what the hell are you doing?! You're only making him mad!!”

Nathan: “are you sure you're not the one mad?”

Y/n: “our emotions bleed into each other sometimes, OK?!?”

Godzilla rises back out the water, and using the sharpened edges of his dorsal plates, cuts right through one of the ships.

Kong furiously tries to free himself, as jets fly by at Godzilla. Firing missiles, the jets do nothing but anger godzilla more, as his tail rises, as one of the jets mistakenly crashes into it. With his tail still up, he slams it down on two war ships that were passing him. A ships anchor was then accidentally attached to his tail, as the front half of the ship was dragged along with him.

Kong desperately pulled in the chains, Godzilla closing in, as indicated via the ship stuck to his tail surfacing. Kong notices this, and roars. Godzilla does so in return.

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