GxK The new empire: Part Eight

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Before this gets started, I just wanna say that while this chapter was in development, I decided that the final fight in Rio will be the really last chapter. Cause "why nah"? Mainly so that one can basically start and end with a monster bash. BUT. this one... Has what everyone was waiting for...


Cairo, Egypt.

Everyone was living their lives.
Until the ground near the pyramids began to rumble, and crack open.

All the humans were terrified, and started to run from the now glowing blue opening from the ground. That's when Kongs giant armored hand rises up, and grabs onto the surface, pulling the rest of himself up.

Grabbing onto the closest pyramid to pull himself to his feet, making the people on the pyramid roll down.

He then started marching around Egypt, waiting for it to happen...

For what? Well... Kongs on the surface. Someone wouldn't like that...

Meanwhile, in Gibraltar.
Godzilla, in his new evolution form, climbs to the top of a mountain, and stomps his foot, growling.

Back in Egypt, Kong also growls, before releasing a challenging roar, just like he did all the way back in hong Kong.

As in Gibraltar, Godzilla accepts the challenge, before diving into the water below.

Y/n would give that dive a 10/10...


Speaking of y/n, his head would shoot up, looking around for a moment...

Y/n: "...what the hell was that?"

Bernie: "what was what?-"

Y/n looked at Bernie, and shook his head.

Y/n: "just hearing things.."

Bernie looked at him oddly, before all turning to the front. Jia had been dressed, and marked just like the other Iwi. But she was in more fancy garbs. The Iwi bow their heads, as Jia turned to the giant crystal pyramid, and climbed up the steps carved into it.

Bernie: "We are absolutely certain that she can pull this off, right..?"

Ilene: "It’s why Jia was called here. Only an Iwi from Skull Island can awaken Mothra. And Mothra is the key to Godzilla protecting this place, and its pathways to the surface.."

Bernie: "but couldn't-"

Y/n: "no. Mothra and the big guy have more of a connection than I do. And.. Godzilla's been a little cryptic with me. So Mothra is a softer option"

Jia arrives at the top. Holding out her hand to the glowing energy flowing.the energy slowly took a shape.. the loud echo of Mothra. The queen of the monsters has risen...

Mothra lowers herself down to meet jia eye to eye... 

However, she would look down, and and stare at one particular person.

Y/n would stare back.. hearing an echoing voice in his head... Soothing. Calm... Motherly.

"Come child"

He didn't know how to answer, so he steps back, before running away.

Trapper: "where are you going?!"

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