𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐬!

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(Charlie's vision came back to her as she opened her eyes.Her vision was blurry as she had just woke up. She brought her hands up to her face and rubbed her eyes with them,as she did this her vision started becoming clearer and clearer. She then looked up to see that she was in Alastors hands. She started to blush uncontrollably and started to think as to what happened the night before. It suddenly hit her and a tear escaped from her eye. She shuddered as Alastor started to wake up. He starred at her and kissed her forehead,making her face flush red. She reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear. Alastor chuckled at this movement,his sharp yellow teeth still in a smile. Charlie laughed nervously and smiled with her teeth that were pearly white,unlike Alastor's. Alastor finally let her go and stood up from the bed,digging around his closet. Charlie gulped then looked down to see she was still in her nightgown,her REALLY SHORT nightgown. She blushed and starred at Alastor,who appeared to still have his clothes on. She sighed in relif. She sat up and got off Alastors bed. She then opened Alastor's door knob and exited the same time that Angel Dust left his room. Angel Dust started to stare at her,he put the peices together and realised. His eyes widened as his mouth hung wide open.)

"..Angel Dust it's not what you-.."

(Before Charlie could finish,Angel dust was already running down the stairs screaming 'nopenopenopenope' to himself. Vaggie was already downstairs and Angel Dust was just about to tell her what happened when he finished going down the stairs. Charlie sighed and placed her bottom on the stair rail,she then procceded to slide down,beating Angel Dust down. Once Angel Dust reached downstairs,Charlie ran up to him and begged him not to tell anyone. Angel Dust bit his lower lip,his eyes trailing anywhere else but Charlie. He finally sighed and agreed. Finally,Alastor came down,wearing his regular suit. Charlie blushed and looked down,realising she never did change out of her own night gown. She then ran upstairs to go change as Angel Dust smirked. Angel Dust turned to Alastor as he let out a wolf whistle,pointing to a flustered Charlie running up the stairs.After a few minutes,Charlie stepped out of her room wearing her regular suit. She walked down the stairs to see that Alastor had finished making breakfast and was setting up the table. She decided to help him place the plates down. As she rolled up her sleeves,Alastor stared at her,admiring her beauty. Once she finally finished placing the plates down,she turned her head to see Alastor staring at her in awe. She then blushed and waited for Alastor to call everyone to the table.)

"..breakfast everyone!.."

(Alastor said in his usual cheery voice,this made Charlie giggle. Everyone sat at the table,Alastor chose a seat beside Charlie. Alastor then got some food and put it on Charlie's plate,which made her happy. Everyone stared at them,knowing that something was wrong. Charlie realised this and stared at her food,taking a couple of bites. Alastor also took bites of his food,his grin never leaving his face,not even when he was unconcious. Angel Dust looked at them with a grin,they both knew the damn spider was gonna tell the whole world.)

"..So...had a fun night guys?~.."

(Angel Dust said,staring at them. They looked very uncomfortable,Alastor noticed this and put his hand on Charlie's thigh reassuringly,of course she blushed. Vaggie stared at Angel Dust.)

"..What do you mean..?.."

(Vaggie mummered at Angel Dust as Angel Dust let out a small giggle.)

"..well i saw your girlfriend-or ex,yet to be determined, coming out of the strawberry pimps room this morning~.."

(Angel Dust said as Alastor's eyes narrowed and his pupils turned into radio dials. He gripped on her thigh tightly,which honestly kind of turned Charlie on. Vaggie stared at them with disgust,Angel Dust quickly realised that she was taking it seriously and his smile faded.)

"..i was bluffing,toots! H-ha ha! Jokes over,no one's laughing.."

(Angel Dust said in a worried tone. Vaggie stared at him and knew that he was lying,she suddenly stood up from her seat,making the chair fall. She slammed her hands on the table,mainly staring at Alastor. He grinned at her,provoking her even more.)


(vaggie screamed. Charlie starred at her,thinking that she had done the wrong thing and should have just gave Vaggie a second chance. She fiddled with her fingers on her lap. Alastor reached over and grabbed her hand,making her flush red once again. He then calmly stood up from his chair,the complete oppisate of vaggie. He winked at her and his grip became tighter. She knew what he was going to do. He was going to lie. Alastor hummed softly before looking back up at Vaggie,he then flashed her a big grin.)

"..Well my dear,we did-.."

(She hastily placed her hand on top of his hand and gripped on it tigtly,showing all the worry in her eyes. Alastor took pity on her,wanting to get rid of vaggie but not wanting to hut her. He sighed.)

"..-nothing,my dear. We just fell asleep while doing paperwork.."

(Alastor said. Charlie flashed him a big,thankful smile Alastor chuckled and sat down once again. Vaggie stared at them and instantly knew that he had feelings for her and that she had feelings for him too.)

"..we're over.."

(Vaggie said,walking away from the table. Charlie released the tears she was building up and started sobbing. Alastor comforted her of course,rubbing her back and running his fingers through her hair. Nothing worked.)

Word count:997 words

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