Chapter 01 : Why I broke up ?

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Hi ! My name is Tong Yao, I'm just a normal 27 years old chinese girl,from a normal family, having a normal life, but when I got into my first realtionship, everything changed ! But if you wanna know what happened,please give a vote to this story and subscribe ! (Yeah this expressionfrom msa XD)

Hi ! My name is Tong Yao, I'm just a normal 27 years old chinese girl,from a normal family, having a normal life, but when I got into my first realtionship, everything changed ! But if you wanna know what happened,please give a vote to this story ...

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Okay, so a few monthes ago I was in a relationship with a guy named "Jian Yang"

Okay, so a few monthes ago I was in a relationship with a guy named "Jian Yang"

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 he LOVED gaming, so..........I was a kind of "curious" about what is so IMPRESSING about these weird games, c'ause you know ?Girls aren't really interested in these sort of things.

Yes ! I asked him to teache me how to play, and we spent wonderful moments together playing, and by the time, these "weird" games seemed to be interesting ! I became better at gaming and I liked it, and Jinag Yang was always by my side teaching me.

And one day, I went to his house for his birthday with a gift, I nocked on the door but when he opened it, something was wrong in his face


Jian Yang : Oh.....Thank you

Me : give a look to your gift

He opened it, I bought him a VERY expensive watch

Me : you like it ?

Jian Yang : Umm...oh....Yes yes I LOVE it

Me : considire it also a thank you for teaching me

Jian Yang : oh no problem

Me : so......don't you have something to tell me ?

Jian Yang : Thank youuuu, Love youu

Me : I mean, what with your expression ?

Jian Yang : what expression ?

Me : You can't hide it for me, I know you since 2 years !

Jian Yang:*with a sad smile* okay you won

Jian Yang told me that he became a professional gamer and a big company wanted him to join them, and it will be a chance for him to bacome a 51265265156 gamer

Me : waoh, I'm so happy for you, but I don't get it, why you're sad ?

Jian Yang : I-I......I

Me : what ?

Jian Yang : I'll have to go to another city a kind of far from here

Me : Oh.....I'm...i-it's o-okay, since you're happy, I am too

Then he hugged me tight

Jian Ynag : I...I must leave tomorrow

Me : you'll come visite me right ?

Jian Yang : of course I will, so you will too, and we can always chat, I'll make you proud of me, you'll see me on national matches

Me : oh...yeah of course, I have to go

And with that I left his house my way to mine

We were still a couple, he visited me a lot, we chatted all night, and I even went to see him in nationals competitions. It wasen't so bad, but by the time passing he started ingoring my messages and calls and rarely visiting me, and alone I felt that I'm not in love with him, have I been with him 'cause he's just handsom ? Or.....maybe my feelings for him just disappired by the time

With the weeks passing he stopped visiting me and the only times he answers my messages was just to say "sorry I'm busy righ now have to go"

Enough ! I'v made a decision ! I'm gonna break up with him, he has his houndred of fan girls anyways, why does he need me ? I went to his place to find him next to his computer with his teammates of his FAMOUS group "CK"


Jian Yang took of his casque and looked at me with a smile

Jian Yang : Oh ! Tong Yao ! You're here

Me : follow me

He got up from his chaire with a confused face and followed me outside, finaly I took a big breath and faced him

Me : I can't stand it anymore, let's break up

Jian Yang : wait....WHAT ????

Me : I'll say it for the last time, let's break up

Jian Yang : I hope you're joking

Me : do I look like I'm joking with you ?

Jian Yang : Tong Yao? Why ? What happened ?

I started telling him about all what I think of him now, and how he ignored me

Jiang Yang : come on Yao Yao (Tong Yao's nick name)you know that I'm busy right ?

Me : I just don't feel the same about you anymore so sorry

Then I left letting him in a total silence, I know that I made the good choice, right ?

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