Chapter32: Life or Death

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I put a video for you to imagine the character, get over the parts where vampires appear.
Some real Spice is in this chapter👄 so enjoy.

Pov Viencenza:

After 2 weeks, 14 days, 336 hours, 20160 minutes and 1209600 seconds I'm finally out of the house. It felt like eternity , feeling trapped between four walls with your own thoughts is worse then hell and what made it worse was hearing Rose embarassing childhood stories.

I'm out of the house for the first time in 14 days and heading back to Colombia where I should continue the family legacy by rulling the mafia, my mafia but first I need to kill some bastard who claimed the position while I was recovering.

Lorenzo took care of all the arangement even if he told me it was a bad idea to start a war while I'm still drained out of my energy but I was never a good listner. 

"It will be a quick trip don't worry" I heard Lorenzo tell Rose while kissing her.

"You two love birds sorry for the interuption or not really but we should go" Rose sent daggers to my way and I cracked a little smile she seriously love the bastard.

Lorenzo got to the plane and in no time we were between the clouds.

"Can you tell me what is wrong" I asked lorenzo when I kept feeling him glaring at me for about 30 minutes.

"Nothing" Came his response.

"You have been staring at me for about half an hour so either I look hot and iresstibale which I do or you want to tell or ask me something"

"You just never told me what happened, I mean the whole thing of your real family and who kidnapped you and why would they do it"

"I didn't tell you about what you call my real family because you already know and either way I don't care about it I have a parent who died he was my only family, and for the other subject I don't remember what happened or how it happened" That was a lie because I remember everything, every single detail that happened that day I even get nighmares of it and I wake up in the middle of the night sweat covered.

"Tell me about the guy who think he can rule over my mafia" I changed the subject.

"His name is Patricio Gonzalez he has been working for your father for 20 years since he was 15 years old he proved his worth and climbed the stairs from a normal and uselless soldier to your father strategist"

"God, how I  want to crash his throat with my bare hands" 

"Don't understimate him Viencenza he is good like really good he proved his worth on ground fights he was sent to 32 missions and he killed a lot of men he is good with his hands"

"Then I will break them and make him a lesson to anyone that will think to cross me" After that conversation we stayed silent the whole flight after 5 hours we reached our destination and it was night. 

When I stepped out of the plane a warm breeze hit me. 

"Did I tell you how I missed Columbia" I didn't give lorenzo the time to answer me 

We drove about 25 minutes and then we reached our destination. To my suprise the gates opened.

"They know we are here" Lorenzo said

"Good they do, now let the show start"

We drove in the long driveway and when we reached the mansion  a lot of my father men or should I say Gonzalez men were holding guns just waiting for us.

I got out from the car no doubt or fear inside of me just rage.

"Well, well isn't that Viencenza Perez the daughter of  Emanuel Perez" A man I supose is Patricio spoke or rather proveked me. But I wouldn't fall for it.

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