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You stared at your phone as you scrolled through all the comments that people had left on your story. You had only posted the first five chapters and your book was already at 400 views. It made you happy obviously, but as more people started to read it, more ignorant people started to leave hate comments.

QueenLemon has left a comment!!

You glanced at the notification wondering if it was a hate comment or a supportive comment. Which you didn't care for either one to be honest.

QueenLemon left a comment on chapter 3:

"Ugh why do women never want to do anything anymore, they always want a man to have money, to be tall or have a certain type of appearance but the second a man wants a certain type of women then he's the bad guy" Kane sighed. He looked at you to see that you were staring at him with-

|Yo why is the author so good at making a man hate on women? Low-key think the author is a man 💀

You stared at the comment wondering if this cow was being serious. How did this person have the audacity yo assume you were a man just because you were writing low level Misogyny.

You let out a sigh then grabbed your phone getting ready to clap back, but the sound of your phone ringing stopped you. "Ugh Umi you stay calling me" You groaned ad you pressed the accept button.

"Hiiiii Y/N how are you" Umi greeted loudly. "You know you have a text feature on your phone right? You don't have to call me everyday" You snapped.

Umi let out a sad laugh then apology, "sorry Y/N I just want to hear your voice, and every time I do text you, you take hours to respond back" She whined.

"Probably because I have stuff to do" You said to yourself. The two of you sat in silence as neither of you had nothing to say or didn't want to talk. After a minute or two passed you let out a sigh of defeat then asked Umi how her day was.

"Oh my day was great, I've been reading the first chapters of your books Y/N and I have to say it's really good" Umi replied. You froze for a second then furrowed your eyebrows.

"Umi how'd you find my book, I didn't send you any link" You grumbled.

"Y/N did you forget that we follow each other on the same writing app, when you post somthing I get a notification, no matter what it is" Umi laughed as she could feel your embarrassment through the phone.

"Whatever" You mumbled. "Have you've seen the comments people are leaving" You questioned making Umi hum.

"Yeah, it's like people are ignoring the warnings you place at each chapter" Umi laughed. You playfully rolled your eyes at Umi's words, she found it funny but you didn't.

People were so dumb, they went out of their way to find something they don't like so they just hate.

It pissed you off.

Umi started to talk about her day and all the books she read while you continued to scroll through all the comments you got from strangers everyday.

Bootyeater69 has left a comment!

Bootyeater69 left a comment on chapter 5:

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