
598 31 23

Warning's: Mentions of upcoming Abuse

You sat under Kages desk with your knees to to your chest as you sobbed your heart out. This Kage man was just like the Kage from your book. Everything wasn't making sense.

How the hell did you get here? Where was Umi? Why was this man hurting you?

"Y/N, stop crying, I can't focus." The man above you groaned as he kicked you in the leg. You cried out a sorry before squeezing your leg closer to your body.

A moment of silence filled the room as you held in your tears, not wanting to get hurt again.

After a few seconds passed, a loud knock on the door made you almost jump out your skin. Kage let out a sigh of annoyance before getting up and walking towards the office door.

He opened the door with a huff and then glared down the innocent soul.

"What do you want, I'm busy," Kage grumbled.

"Sorry Kage, but I'm the new hire, and one of the workers told me to come talk to you," a woman said with a chipy tone. Kage looked her up and down before asking what her name was.

"My name is Bonnie." She grinned.

Your heart dropped at the girls' words. You peeked around the desk to see Bonnie standing there with her around around her back with a slick smile on her face.

The women had long brown curly hair and black glasses and were wearing a blue office suit.

"Is that -" You thought.

"I don't remember hiring anyone," Kage said.

"Oh well, I sent my resume last month, and last week, I got an email saying that I was hired," Bonnie explained. Kage let out a loud sigh before turing around. He looked at you, making you quickly go back into hiding.

"Whatever, go talk to Dan. He is down the hall to the right," Kage stated while turning around. Before, the woman could even say Kage slammed the door in her face.

He walked back over to you and sat back down in his chair. "Come out Y/N" He sternly said while patting his knee. You quickly crawled from under the desk, staring at Kage with big, watery eyes.

"I can tell that women is a slut" Kage spoke "I mean did you see how short her skirt was, I must have been drunk when I hired her I would never hire a women that's trying to slut herself out to our entire office" He added.

You could only stay quiet as Kage continued his misogynistic rant.

He looked down at you with a smile on his face as he started to rub your face. "I'm glad I have you Y/N, you're so cute and weak, you know how to behave, and you know how to be a woman," Kage smirked.

Kage was interrupted by a loud alarm ringing. He stood up, knocking you down a bit, and slammed the button down, shutting the alarm up.

"It's time for us to go home Y/N, I think everyone else can finish up the work, don't you think?" Kage questioned.

He didn't even wait for your answer. He helped you stand up and then grabbed your hand tightly. "Let's go," Kage demanded.

As he dragged you out into the hall, you could see how everyone that Kage walked pasted looked down in fear. You glanced to your left to see that same woman, Bonnie, staring right at you and Kage with a sickening smile on her face.

You pointed at the lady while yelling her name, causing everyone in the office to stare at you in confusion.

You pulled away from Kage tight grip and ran over to Bonnie. You grabbed onto her arms, shaking her violently, "What did you do to me?" You hissed.

"Y/N, what the hell is wrong with you?" Kage yelled as he walked towards the two of you.

"Whatever I did, I'm sorry, please just send me back home," you whined.

Bonnie stared into your eyes as her smile grew wider. "I warned you, Y/N, I warned you, and you ignored me, now you must face the consequences." You stared at her in horror. She said all that without opening her mouth.

"I'm sor-"

"Y/N, get back over here," Kage demanded as he snatched you by your arm. He pulled you away from Bonnie and started to drag you away. You could only watch as Bonnie gave you a wave before walking away.

"Everyone get back to work now," Kage said in a cold tone. Immediately, your co-workers went back to stacking their papers and answering calls.

Kage looked at you to see that you were full on sobbing. He gave you a disgusted expression before dragging you outside to his car.

"You're getting it when we get home. Can't believe you would embarrassed me like that," Kage grumbled while he got into the car. You didn't even bother to reply to him as Bonnie's words kept replaying over and over in your mind.

"You must face the consequences..." You glanced at Kage to see an angry expression all over his face. He was griping onto the steering while tightly making his kuckles turn white.

"Y/N, stop staring at me," Kage spoke.

You quickly looked down at your knees playing with the him of your skirt trying to hold the tears in your eyes.

"I'm so embarrassed by you Y/N, after two years of giving you punishments I thought you were perfect now but I guess I still need to teach you more" Kage mumble.


You held your hands up begging Kage to let go of your hair. He threw you down on the ground making you hit your head on the counter in the process.

"Come on Y/N don't start with that begging" Kage sighed "You knew the drill, go to the pink room or I'll drag you there" Kage demanded while pointing down the hall.

You pushed yourself up from the ground, and stumbled down the hall trying your best to get away from Kage as fast as you could.

Kage stared at you in amusement as he unbuckled his belt. "What's wrong with you Y/N" He muttered to himself while following right behind you. He felt bad for your mini break down but wasn't going to let your women problems mess up everything he worked for.

You forgot your role, and he needed to help you remind your place.


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