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WARNING'S: Mentions of Pedophile, Grooming, Reader is treated like a child, SA, Abuse


"Baby wake up, it's time for breakfast"

You opened your eyes to see a grown man staring at you with a smile on his face. "Baby did you not hear me, wake up" He said with a more stern tone. 

You sat up groaning and looked around wondering what happened. The only thing you could remember was laying on the ground and that man standing over you. "W-What did you do to me?" You stammered while backing away from him.

Silas gave you a smile then shook his head slightly. "Oh baby all I did was give you some medicine, you weren't feeling well remember" He said. You looked up at him and mumbled something to yourself.

"Am I sick?" You asked causing Silas to shake his head no. "No sweetie, you're not sick, you had some problems and my medicine makes sure to get rid of those problems"  Silas rejoiced.

Before you could even say anything Silas picked you up bridal style and walked downstairs towards the bathroom.  "Enough talking, let's get you ready for today" He mumbled as he placed you on toilet.

You stared at Silas trying your best to remember what happened before but your mind was blank. "What's wrong with me" You whined to yourself.

Silas took your clothes off and put you in the tub. "Oh dang, It looks like we ran out of soap" Silas said as he looked around. He looked at you and placed a kiss on your forehead, "I'll be right back, let me go get some more" He smiled.

You stared at your reflection in the warm water and furrowed your eyebrows. Your face was so familiar and you knew you saw it somewhere, so why couldn't you remember it.

Who were you? And where were you?


You looked around hearing the same word repeatedly.

"Y/N" "Y/N" "Y/N"

You sat there for a second then let out a small gasp. "My name is Y/N" You gasped. You stood up causing water to splash everywhere, "Where the hell am i?" You mumbled to yourself.

You got out the bathtub and grabbed a towel to wrap yourself up. "Bonnie, Umi, Kage, Silas" You mumbled to yourself.

Memories were flooding into your head about everything. The pain and harshness you went through, you were surprised that Silas medicine could even do all that.

"Gosh why couldn't I make Silas a nice yandere" You cried. You opened the bathroom door to see Silas standing there with a bottle of soap in his hands.

"Now where do think you're going?" Silas said as he tilted his head.

"I-I was scared" You quickly lied.

Silas kissed you on the cheeck then dragged you back towards the bathtub. "Well don't be scared sweetie, daddy's here" He chimed.

You could only sit there in the now cold water as Silas scrubbed your body with a baby towel in his hands. "Today I was thinking about doing an outfit haul with you since all your clothes came today" Silas stated.

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