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Umi walked into the library with one thing on her mind, "Find out what Y/N did". She could barely get any sleep the night before. Her mind was just wandering everywhere thinking about what you could have possible done to make Bonnie want to kill you.

Umi has known you since junior year in high school. You have always been nice and kind to everyone around you. You never bothered anyone and you never hurt anyone so why was Bonnie after you.

Did you bully her?

Did you date her and break her heart?

There were so many questions that Umi's head was hurting just thinking about them.

Umi sat down at a computer and logged into your  account. "Okay where you start" Umi asked herself as she scrolled down to your post.

She clicked on it to see nothing but pictures of her, your pets and some other boring stuff. There was nothing out of site that sticked out to her.

As she continued to scroll down to your older post she saw a picture of a girl that didn't look like anyone she knew. Umi looked down at the caption to see that you wrote "Yall ignore all my old post, I archived those corny picture of me and that witch".

"What the hell?" Umi whispered to herself. She went yo your archives and scrolled down all the pictures and videos you hid.

There were multiple of you and this women all buddy buddy with each other. There were some pictures of you to sleeping together, kissing each other and some where you two were just posing for some.

Some of the caption were "The love of my life" or "Look at my beautiful girl B".

Umi stared at the pictures as the puzzles started to come together. Was Bonnie your ex? Was she jealous of you and her together and that's why she was tormenting you?. As Umi went to click another picture a notification popped up on the side saying "click on me".

Umi rolled her eyes thinking that it's just some ad and tries to click it away only for it to pop up again.

Umi let out loud groan and finally clicked on the pop up to see a video file. "What is this?" She mumbled to herself as she clicked on the play button.

As the video started to play Umi could see a younger you standing in the hallway laughing with a group of friends.

She could hear the sound of someone breathing hard into the mic, giving her the impression that whoever was recording this video was stalking you or trying to get soke dirt on you.

The video taker walked up closer to show that you and your friends were laughing at a girl laying on the ground with tears streaming down her face. Umi got a bit closer to see that the girl looked exactly like the women she saw yesterday.

"Bonnie get up, why are you quivering on the ground like a worm"  One of your friend laughed.

"Y-Y/N why are you doing this?" Bonnie stammered out.

You looked down at her with a disgusted expression and shook your head no. "Don't act dumb, You're a cheater and a lier, you deserve everything that happens to you" You spat at her.

"I didn't d-" Before Bonnie could even finish her sentence one of the girls kicked her in her mouth causing blood to dripping out. Bonnie let out a loud cry causing everyone to laugh.

The video immediately cut off leaving Umi to stare at herself in the blank computer screen.

"That...that can't be real" Umi chuchin disbelief.

There was no way you bullied Bonnie, no way. You weren't that kind of person, you literally are the nicest person Umi has ever been friends with.

Umi went back to your page to look back at the pictures of you and Bonnie and stared at them with disbelief. Bonnie wasn't some werido online that was just terrorizing random people.

She was just a ex that was bullied and wanted revenge.

Umi wanted to sympathize with Bonnie but her mind wander back to video of you calling her a cheater and a lier, which ment Bonnie obviously did something to make you hurt her.

Umi let out a sigh of relief when she realized that Bonnie could still be a bad person. She was praying that she was, Umi really didn't want to face the truth of you being a terrible person.

Umi checked the time to see that it was starting to get late outside and decided that it was time for her to go home.

She grabbed her stuff and started to head towards the entrance. As she walked out she saw the same curly headed womne from yesterday.

This time the women just stood there and stared at Umi with a sad expression on her face.

Umi stood there in fear and confusion. "Bonnie?" Umi whispered. The women walked over to her causing Umi to flinch  a little. The lady put her head on Umis shoulder and started to cry.

"She hurt me Umi, im not a bad person" The lady sobbed. "Y/N she is the bad person, she's the one who hurt me, she's the one who made me this way" She cried.

"B-Bonnie just tell me what happened, I'm pretty sure if you and Y/N sit down and talk to each other then you two can work it out" Umi insisted.

Bonnie shook her head no and held onto Umi tighter. "I've tried to b-but she ignored me, she still told me off" She cried.

Umi opened her mouth but realized she had nothing to say. There was nothing she could say.

"Please j-just leave this between me and Y/N please" Bonnie begged. Before Umi could reply Bonnie disappeared into smoke causing Umi to stand there in shock.

"Uhh miss are you okay?"

Umi turned around to see a lady staring at her with a worried expression. "Huh?" Umi whispered. 

"You've been staring at yourself in the window for a few minutes and I was starting to worry if something was happening" The lady smiled a bit.

Umi nodded her head hesitantly then looked around. "Where the hell did Bonnie go? Was all that a fake?" Umi thought to herself.

"I-I'm okay" Umi said to the lady before quickly walking out the library.

Her mind was going to a million places and she needed to sit down before she passed out. Umi sat down on one of the benches and let out a loud groan.

There was no way today was real, on one hand Umi believed Bonnie and wanted to try and sympathize with her but on the other hand she was thinking about you, her best friend and how she could help you.

The only thing she could do was sit there think about what she was going to do now.

How she was going to help you and help Bonnie.



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