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"Y/N wake up, I know you were not that tired"

You opened your eyes to see a girl with curly hair staring down at you with amusement on her face. You squinted your eyes to get a better look and realized that it was Bonnie.

But instead of the sadistic Bonnie toy knew, this one was different. Her smile was nice, her eyes seemed like they had life in them instead of hatred.

"B-Bonnie" You mumbled.

"Yes baby?"

"Bonnie" You stood up and held onto the girls shoulders. "What the hell did you do to me?" You huffed as you shook her.

"Y/N what are you talking about" Bonnie asked, trying to remove your hands. You looked around to finally see that you were transported to a different place.

"Oh god" You fell down on the ground as tears started to stream down your face. It was like you were never going to catch a break.

Bonnie let out a small gasp then bent down to ask if you were okay. "Y/N what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare or something?" She asked with urgency. You shook your head as you wiped the tears that just kept flowing out.

"I-I just need some time right quick" You stammered before holding your head in your hands.

Bonnie stood up and folded her arms as she just watched you have your mental break down.

She was so confused on why you were crying when you were just happy a few minutes ago. It was like your emotions did a whole 360°, Bonnie was starting to think that it was that time of month.

After a few minutes passed, you were starting to calm down and finally  processing where you were.

"Bonnie I need some water" You grumbled. Bonnie let up at your words and grabbed her purse, she pulled our a bottle of water and handed it to you.

"Lucky I've got this" She grinned.

You grabbed the bottle and carefully looked at it for a while causing Bonnie to furrowed her eyebrows.

"Baby just drink, do you think I drugged the water or something?" She scoffed.

"Bonnie take me home please" You whined as you opened the bottle. Bonnie looked you up down with a suspect look then nodded her head before helping you up.

"Baby you better tell me what's wrong with you when we get to your house, I'm serious" Bonnie demanded. You nodded your head slightly and walked with the girl towards her car.


Alright now Y/N tell me what happened in your dream that's making you act all strange" Bonnie said as she sat down across you.

You stared at the girl with wide eyes and gripped onto your knees nervously. Just yesterday you were getting tortured, abused and bullied by this girl and now today you are sitting in front of her like nothing happened.

"If I tell you what happened, you wouldn't believe anything I said" You spoke.

"Baby I don't care how stupid or goofy it sounds, tell me now" She demanded.

"U-Um in my dream.." You started "You were some person with powers sending me to books that tortured the main character a-and you were abusing me and all this stuff and everytime I tried to escape y-you would just sending me to another book" You rambled.

Bonnie sat there as she watched you go on and on about how much of bad person she was in your dream.

She stood and walked over to you then grabbed onto your face making you stop talking. "Baby calm down" She says as kisses you.

"We've been together for a long time and I have never had a thought about hurting you"  She mumbled into your ear.

"B-But y-"

"I don't care what bad Bonnie did Y/N, just know that real life Bonnie would never do that" She stated.

Before you could even say anything else, Bonnie grabbed your hand and took you towards her bedroom so the two of could lay down.

"Baby just rest your head and relax, we can watch your favorite movie so you can take your mind off of things" Bonnie grinned.

As the two of you laid down you started to hear the sound of a phone buzz rapidly. You asked Bonnie if she could hear it but she shook her head no and continued to scroll for a movie.

You tired to ignore it but the sounds were getting louder and louder. You sat up and looked around causing Bonnie to stare at you as you did.

"Baby what are you looking for?" Bonnie asked.

"A-A phone or something" You stammered "I keep hearing a phone buzz" You told her.

You bent down under the bed and found a pink phone lighting up over and over with multiple notifications from an app.

You grabbed the phone and showed Bonnie causing her to shrug her shoulders. "It's your phone so what?" She stated.

"My phone" You muttered to yourself.

You stared at the phone as you laid back down next to Bonnie. This phone looked familiar, it looks childish or like it was going through a phase. 

You turned it back on to see that there were a password required. You smacked your lips and glanced at Bonnie to see that she was still looking for a movie.

"Bon- Baby do you know what my password is" You questioned. 

"It's 13430" She simply replied. 

You mumbled a thank you and unlocked the phone to be greeted with a bunch of messages. You looked at your background to see that it was a mirror picture of you and Bonnie but while Bonnie was smiling you had a unamused expression on.

You went to your notifications to see that you almost had twenty messages from all different peoples.

Y/N I'm hungry wa....

Umi 💕
Sent a photo
Just for you 🤭😚

Sent a link

Hey baby where are you? I..

You scrolled and scrolled trying to remember who these random people were that were in your phone.

"Baby put your phone down, I found us movie" Bonnie said. You mumbled our a sorry and put your phone on a nearby table.

Bonnie snuggled closely to you and placed her head on your chest.

"I love you Y/N"

"I....I love you too"


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