Chapter 15: The Man From The Past (One Year Book Anniversary 06.11.15)

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Copyright © June 2015 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 15: The Man From The Past

Sandra Adele Rosé

The bright sunlight reflected through the curtains and onto my still sleepy face. However I noticed Adeline missing, so I got out of the bed and searched the room. My searching took me out of the guestroom and into the hallway. I turned both left and right, though I never went to the left to see where it led too. Instead I just went to the right heading out the hall and to the stairs.

I heard faint noises and a lot of scrunching. I just went down ignoring the fact that I did not look appropriate. In the massive living room- which was not even a room, I saw a huge Christmas tree and it was already decorated at one side of the room and underneath it was wrapped presents.

"Come on Ade, try to make it a little... prettier." Liam said seated on the floor dressed in... casual clothes? Adeline was also across from him and between them was a messed up present wrapped in an awkward way.

Before I could make my arrival known, the door bell rang unexpectedly. My head snapped toward the direction of the door as Liam himself turned to me. When I faced him again, he opened his mouth but I managed to cut in. "I'll get the door." I nod already guessing his thoughts.

I gave myself a glance through the reflection of myself on the door. Sighing at the fact that I didn't think of putting any think over my night wear, I opened the door wide enough to get a peek of the stranger on the other side.

Again I breath out in relief that it was just Leah and opened the door wide to welcome her in. I closed the door and noticed the look she was giving me. "What happened to you?" Her eyebrow raised in question.

"It's a long story." I said walking back to the living room. Liam was getting up from the floor and dusting himself. "Look who's here." I announce.

They both looked pass me and at the babysitter. Adeline was the first to react by getting up and going to give Leah a hug. "Leah!"

She laughed, rubbing Adeline's back considering she was clutching onto Leah's leg. "Hi Addy."

shared a look with Liam maybe because we were unaware of the bonding, at least Adeline likes her and that's all that matters right? Maybe not because Liam had other plans then standing there. "Do you know how to wrap a present?" He asked staring at Leah for confirmation. She nods. "Help Adeline finish this." He points down at the horrendous wrapped gift.

With that I was unexpectedly pulled out the room by Liam and up the stairs. He let go of me the second I found my balance, and started talking."

"I did a little research about Leah Cartwright, I know it's not my business considering she told us before we hired her. My guess was she needed a few hundreds to complete her dept. That's an understatement. Her dept is about seven to twelve thousand dollars." He said unaffected. I guess it only affected me because I'd never be able to pay it off, by a babysitting job. "I took care of it, but it seems that she might quit her job out of fury."

I had to admit, Liam did think it through. I understand what he's trying to do but maybe he should just talk to her first. "So what are you telling me?" I said distracted by where we were walking to.

"She said she needed to pay her dept before the winter break, Christmas is in two days so her break started a week ago." He concluded without a heart beat.

I was confused why we passed by my room and deeper down the hall I've never been at. "Where are you getting all this information from?"

He turned to look at me, "I'm a businessman who owns twenty five percent of my families industry. I could find out the absence of your first tooth." His voice uttered unimpressed. While walking on to an unknown destination, he pulled out his phone. "This means the girl has been kicked out by now."

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