Chapter 20: The Californian Crush

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Chapter 20: The Californian Crush

Sandra Adele Rose

Leandro Campbell.

A Canadian business tycoon, he is known for destroying anyone who's brave enough cross path with him– especially if taken a keen interest in his worldwide trading stock empire.

But I wasn't sure, it sounded too good to be true. Liam was sure though.

He was a business partner and old friend of Liam's family. And he turns up to be the man Liam was having an important deal with.

Liam also told me he travels a lot: Los Angeles, California, New York, Greece, Spain– all over Europe. A very busy man.

This is how I landed myself in a plane the following morning. Liam and I. On our way to sunny-side California.

Adeline needed to be with me... Her mother, however she was in no condition to travel. I asked my mom to stay and look after her with the help of Leah. At Liam's house as he commanded. I rolled my eyes at his bossiness.

I sat there literally clutching the iPad to my face, staring at the Google images. I read articles and newspapers- anything that was about him. I wanted to know how to approach him with this situation because my mother wants nothing to do with him or see him, after seeing the image that Liam had shown us the day before. Katherine had confirmed without any further discussion.

What if I'm rejected?

I couldn't handle it if that happened again; it would be so humiliating. I didn't want much from him. Just the assurance that he could take a simple blood test... To save Adeline. There would be no more options left otherwise I'll have to think about another baby.

I sighed.

When she said she didn't want nothing to do with him I was forced by my mother to not mention her name whatsoever.

An average fight would be six hours long but hopefully it will take less considering we were in a private jet.

I sighed.

Being in this kind of pressure was exhausting. It made me want to throw up, especially when each minute painful countdown. I didn't have a speech for this man because he wasn't  worth it. He was never there. However, I felt like I needed to make one.

I was frustrated throughout the whole flight. I didn't sleep; I didn't eat; I didn't drink. Also I turned down Liam's offer of me resting before we land.

I got into the shotgun seat of the black sleek car that had tinted windows. It was a gorgeous car and definitely expensive for a Rolls Royce. While waiting for the owner to get into the drivers seat I strapped myself.

The transition from the jet to the car made me realise how hot Los Angeles was. New York in summer will still be cold. It isn't even summer but still there was heat.

12:59. Liam started the car and we were on our way out of the planes personal space, the zone that should be restricted for the big airplanes only.

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