Chapter 1: The Interview

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Chapter 1: The Interview

At the Douglas Industry Inc.

The glass door to my office opened when I signal them in as I didn't have the time to look at who was outside my door, they were irrelevant right now.

"Mr Douglas, the meeting is about to begin once you arrive in the conference room." Jennifer, my secretary informed me. I drop the file onto the desk with irritation, and gave the pretty woman a hard glare.

I took the paper booklet she extended towards me and raised an eyebrow at her presence. "You may go." She immediately nodded and walked out. Sighing, I got out my office chair and took the booklet along. There was a glass wall in my office separating the corridor from my private place.

Now there was nothing much for my employees to see as they walked pass my office. It was consistent of a white marble glass desk with my chair in the middle of the room, and a chair in front facing towards my desk. A plasma screen on the right wall to my office desk and a half empty shelf.

I left the room leaving my desk with papers and files everywhere around the place, making sure to log out my laptop.

When I entered the conference room my employees of each department settled down at my arrival, I did not even waste more time as it is. "Whatever is discussed, stays confidential." I calmly put the booklet on the long table in front of me as I took the head chair I would be seated in. "While studying the data I was provided with, the reports concluded that most departments are underperforming, and surely enough I found some missing information etc." I opened the booklet and started going over the multiple missing data with the managers and directors of my company.

"I came up with an arrangement called; The Daily Report. This involves records being up to date, and every worker will be observed. I want a daily report, everyday." I put my arms behind my back and looked across the table to see my second in command giving me a disapproval glare.

"As you all know I'm looking for my personal supervisor and assistant since work is not going to get done itself. I'll all advice you to have a right hand." Again I took a look at the booklet and called out four different department leaders slash managers. "As of today, I personally dismiss you from Douglas industry Inc. Leave your access cards along with anything necessary on the table, my secretary Jennifer will collect them." I gestured to her. "I have nothing further to discuss, if you'll excuse me." I took my belongings and left the room.

"Hey! Liam! You can't just fire them." Mr. Laurence called catching up with me. I ignored him and continue on my journey to my office where I would be carrying out a announcement for a job for those who would be willing to work with me, instead of wasting my time.

"I did what had to be done. It's time I take matters into my own hands." I walked to my desk and sat down in my chair once I entered the office.

The man sat at the seat across me, raising his eyebrow in question. "Are you on your period?" He put his foot on his thigh, smirking at me. I opened my laptop and logged on.

"Yes, I think I am." I said mocking his idiotic comment. "Of course I'm not, Cameron." I took half the files that laid untouched on my desk and handed them to him. "Get them done, we have made a loss of three million this month." I informed him.

Cameron's mouth fell open and the amount of money that went down the drain. "That's like half the employees pay, so some people won't be paid till late?" I nodded at my friend who knew exactly what my problem was, I had never been this annoyed in the office.

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