Chapter 24: Till Death Do Us Part

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Copyright © July 2016 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 24: Till Death Do Us Part

Sandra Adele Rose

"Okay mommy I understand."

I never knew that a day like this would come.

This had been on my mind for a long time but reality hit me and I found some hope, hope that everything would be better.

She's just a kid that should be going to school and crying that she has lost her doll and me promising to buy her a new one. But she's anything other than a normal kid.

Life isn't fair and the sooner you get into terms with that the better. It's always the good people that end up hurt. And if anything, I'm going to make sure my daughter isn't one of those that will get hurt.

I wouldn't be able to let go of her, she's just too young, I didn't get enough time with her.

As days went by I was feeling overwhelmed with everything. I haven't been getting the right amount of sleep, it felt like at any moment it could be all gone. Not that sleep mattered to me but it was an escape.

Leah was calling my name while I was busy staring at the TV in front of me with no interest. I looked up at her, once she began waving her hand in my face.

"Are you alright?" The girl asked worried. I just nodded.


I got up from the sofa and looked at her deep in the eyes, "There's something I need to go do, call me..." Leah nods away knowing what I meant to say when I couldn't finish of my sentence.

After I kissed Adeline bye, I grabbed my cardigan and was out of Liam's front door. He was back at the office. Him and Ade had a really good bond but I insisted that he should go work, maybe to escape the mutual feelings I had been developing but denying or just so that my daughter didn't get the wrong idea, after all he isn't her father. I'll go with the latter- I mean I'm grateful for everything Liam Douglas has done for us. Despite the rumours and what I heard that he was notoriously cold and didn't care for anyone but him self. I must admit I did jump to conclusions beforehand but he's proven himself different.

There's always traffic. No way to cut corners. Always busy and I thought driving through Manhattan would cut me some slack. As I'm sitting behind the steering wheel of Liam's grey 2008 Porsche I knew if there was any way to save my daughter I had to exhaust all options.

Forty five minutes later I was standing in front of the enormous front door of the familiar mansion. I hesitated before pressing the bell. Within half a minute the door began opening to reveal the face of one of the petite maids.

She welcomed me in with a warm smile. "Good afternoon Miss, how may I help you?"

"I'm here to see Mary Lynne Jane Douglas."

She nods. "I'll go announce your arrival- I don't think she's expecting you." I told her she's not, "Very well." She gestured for me to follow her and I did. The maid led the way past the stairs and around the corner into the living area.

The woman who didn't very much like me was seated far within the centre of room on the silver three seater sofa with her legs crossed, squared glasses which sat at the bridge of her nose and in her right hand she held a paper. There was a glass table suited in front of her and on it papers and a cup of tea.

"Ma'am you have a visitor, Miss Sandra." She announced in her Mediterranean accent.

"It's not a surprise to see you here Ms Rose." Mary Lynne said without hesitation before looking up at me. She studied me from top to bottom, no doubt she recognised the brand labels I was wearing. I resisted from rolling my eyes. "Gisele, see to it that no one disturbs us." The woman with blond hair stood to her feet removing her reading glasses. "I'll be in my study." The maid nods and disappears.

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