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breakfast was fine, normal for a saturday morning.

theo, draco, mattheo and blaise decided they wanted to practice quidditch at 11am therefore leaving aurora and enzo on the stands watching the boys throw a ball between each of them.

aurora clapped her hands or bounced her legs happily when theo successfully caught the ball, yet still hadnt really caught onto her own regression at the time.

it wasn't until the blonde stood up and leaned against the barrier of the stands, leaning a bit to far over the edge for enzos liking that he actually payed much mind to her. he took her hand and sat her next to him, practically half on his lap and wrapped his coat around her shoulders to keep her seated.

a small pout rested on her lips but thankfully no sign of a tantrum.

after another 15-20 minutes or so, theo rode his broom down to the stands and carefully climbed off his broom to get his bottle of water from the seats. focased on the boys still in the air, theo opened his drink and took a mouthful. then walked the few steps to sit next to aurora and enzo.

"do you wanna come up with me?" he asked

"can i?" she held back an excited squeal

"only if you sit still and be careful" he smiled at her and offered her a sip of his water, to which she accepted.

"promise" she looked at enzo who then nodded in encouragement for her to get on the broom with her boyfriend

"ill be watching" enzo wrapped his coat further around himself

"'kay" she stood up and followed theos lead when he walked back over to the bags to throw his drink down and then grab his floating broom, climb on swiftly and then help her to sit infront of him.

after theo had made sure she would be completely fine sitting there so long she doesnt move too much and out balance the broom, he flew (slower than usual but still quite fast) over to the other boys again.

they were all passing a quaffle between them, using names to cue who was next to catch. mainly focusing on call and response techniques to keep them all focased but also to help them with distancing throwing and catching.

"ive gotta say, mate, i wouldnt have-" mattheo paused to catch the ball "-thought that the girl was that daft. blaise!"

"of course she fucking is! shes a weasley" draco shouted

aurora listened intently to the conversation as well as listening carefully for theos voice incase he needed anything of her but he seemed pretty happy to be sat behind her with his chin on her shoulder.

"how could she not tell he was gay though? theo?" blaise asked and looked at theo, getting ready to throw the ball

"dont, we're just listening, you 3 carry on" theo said, knowing if a ball came flying towards aurora while shes so many feet up in the air, she would freak

blaise nodded and threw the ball at draco instead

"it's your boyfriends best mates family, draco, you cant keep being rude to them" blaise called out

"i'll do whatever the fuck i like" blaise had walked in on harry and draco kissing on dracos bed one day during a free period, and mattheo knows everything so draco wasnt really fussed about openly talking about his whatever with harry. "and hes not my fucking boyfriend"

draco threw the ball to mattheo "not what i would say when you tounge him every other hour"

"i do not tounge him every other hour! its more like every other day, thank you"

"oh youre so welcome for reminding you about potters lips on yours and giving you a fat hard on" mattheo laughed and threw the ball back to blaise who threw it back to draco

"okay can you like fuck off?" draco threw the ball as hard as he could at mattheo.

due to the laughing fit he was experiencing, mattheo missed the ball and had to fly down to catch it before it hit the floor.

aurora swung her legs and giggled every so often.

"go down now?" she asked theo

"you wanna get off?"

"mhm" she reached behind her and took some of theos hair into her hand, while theo slowly flew them back towards the stands.

"do you wanna stay here or do you wanna go?"

"stay with you" her words slightly slurred but not very to the point it was painfully noticeable

"you can stay with me love, we can go back to the dorm if youd like?"


theo used a quick spell to bring his bag to his hand and flew back down to the floor so the pair could walk together.

theo put his broom back in the shed and flung his bag over his shoulder before taking auroras hand and leading the way back to the dorm.

"you was very brave, wasnt you princess?"

"i was super brave!" she swung their arms between them and giggled

"yeah!" he replied with the same enthusiasm and a smile on his face. "baby the hallways might be a bit crowded, just stay quiet for me okay?"

she nodded and let theo open the door for them both to walk into the school.

the hallways weren't too bad considering it was nearly lunch on a saturday.

once in the dorm aurora sat down on theos bed and pulled off her shoes and took off her coat.

"well done love, do you remember where they go?" theo asked as he took off his own shoes

aurora nodded again and put her shoes away at the end of theos bed and put her coat in the cupboard in the corner of the room.

"youre very clever, darling" he kissed her head as she climbed onto the bed to sit with him.

"thank you" she smiled and hugged her boyfriend. "'s bedtime?"

"you sleepy rora?"

"mhm" she hummed in agreement and layed her head on his shoulder

"can you stay awake for a bit longer so we can have lunch and then have a nap?"

she whined "not hungry, t'eeo"

"im not having you be stoppy rora, you will be having lunch, weather its before or after your nap"

"nap" she whined again

"okay, okay, go to sleep, moody"

she gasped and pouted but theo just pecked her lips in response, making her blush.

theo pulled his girlfriend onto his lap so she was sitting to the side and pressed his lips to her hair while he mumbled a story about a dragon playing quidditch.

once she was fully asleep, he layed her on his bed and get out a book to pass time.

he would much rather have an afternoon with his girlfriend making sure she slept okay, than with his friends who were just going to talk shit about people for hours on end.

aurora was his safe space.

aurora was home.


hihihi :)

i have mixed emotions abt this chapter

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