fears and comfort.

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hermione did indeed have a pain potion, aurora took it as soon as she was given it. it took a few minutes for it to kick in but she was greatful for it when it had. although it took away the stabbing pain in her lower stomach, it did nothing to help with the anxiety the meer idea of loosing her baby had caused her.

however, around 2 hours after arriving at bill and fleur weasleys small cottage, not insanely far from the beach they were at when they had first apparated, the baby had began moving again. kicking and punching at the skin covering her bump. not hard, not noticeable without feeling it inside of you or holding your hand on her belly, but it was definitely there.

"i bought you some tea" theo said as he sat down on the small sofa next to her

aurora nodded in gratitude and took it from his hand "its moving"

"can i?"

"yeah, yeah you can-" she cut herself off and placed his hand where their baby was abusing her insides.

"how far along are you now?"

"nearly 6 months? i think. im not sure, i lost track, which probably isnt good"

"we can find you a doctor, muggle or not, it doesnt matter" theo kissed her temple

aurora stayed silent as she stared at her stomach and boyfriends hand

"whats on your mind?"

"hm? oh um"

"you can tell me"

"im scared"

"its okay to be scared, we're young, youre going to be scared"

"im scared of labour, im scared of- what if im not a good mum?"

"youre going to be an amazing mum"

"whats that saying 'the abused becomes the abuser' something like that. im scared of that"

"rora i need you to listen to me when i tell you that you are nothing like your parents. their parenting is atrocious and yours, ours, will make this child feel like theyre litterally sent from heaven"

aurora leaned her head on his shoulder "thank you"

"we can find you a doctor and we can count down the days for the due date together. we're in this together"

she just nodded not really knowing what to say. her hormones were all over the place and her body was aching everywhere. she felt as if she would break down crying the next time she opened her mouth, so she didnt.

"come on, lets settle you down, its been a long day"

all she could do was nod.

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